In a letter to Dear Abby, a reader from Scotland expresses discomfort with physical touch, stemming from childhood experiences in which they were forced to hug and kiss relatives against their will. Despite setting boundaries as an adult, their parents continue to disregard their wishes and intentionally hug them more frequently, guilt-tripping them when they protest. The reader struggles with how to get their parents to respect their boundaries without causing a feud, as they dread seeing them due to this ongoing issue.

Dear Abby advises the reader to have an open and honest conversation with their parents about how their actions have impacted them. By explaining that their discomfort with physical touch is a result of past experiences, the reader can help their parents understand the importance of respecting boundaries and individual autonomy. If the parents continue to dismiss the reader’s wishes, Abby suggests limiting contact with them and ensuring they understand the reason behind the decision.

In another letter, a reader from Texas expresses concern about feeling neglected by their father, who has recently remarried. Despite harboring no ill feelings towards his new wife, the reader feels as though they have been sidelined in favor of his new relationship. They wonder if they are too old for father/daughter moments and question whether to address their need for more quality time with their father.

Dear Abby reassures the reader that no one is ever too old for meaningful relationships with their parents. She advises the reader to communicate their feelings to their father, expressing happiness for his new marriage while also sharing their desire for more time together. Understanding that their father may be caught up in the honeymoon phase of his new relationship, Abby suggests being patient while also advocating for their own needs.

As always, Dear Abby’s advice emphasizes the importance of open communication and setting boundaries in relationships. By expressing their feelings and advocating for their needs, both letter writers can work towards healthier and more fulfilling connections with their loved ones. Abby’s guidance serves as a reminder to prioritize self-respect and assertiveness in all relationships, even with family members.

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