Women’s weight loss coach Jenna Rizzo shared the three types of foods she always keeps stocked in her Georgia home in a TikTok video that gained over 14,000 views. These foods include batch-cooked proteins like chicken thighs, steak, and shrimp, fermented foods like yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, and kombucha, and a variety of fruits. Rizzo explained that having these foods readily available helps her stay satiated throughout the day and maintain her shape. She emphasized the importance of protein intake, with the Recommended Dietary Allowance being 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight or 0.36 grams per pound.

Rizzo highlighted the benefits of fermented foods, pointing out that they can help with bloating and contain probiotics that promote gut health and aid digestion. She mentioned that probiotics are beneficial for various functions in the body, including hormone regulation and digestive health. In her daily routine, she mixes and matches meals with the proteins and other ingredients she has on hand, rather than meal-prepping the same dish every day. She believes that fermented foods are much more effective in reducing bloating than greens drinks.

In addition to proteins and fermented foods, Rizzo keeps a variety of fruits on hand, such as blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, mangoes, bananas, and apples. She emphasized the importance of consuming fruits as a daily part of the diet, with the American Heart Association recommending 4½ cups of fruit each day. Rizzo admitted that she sometimes succumbs to mindless snacking while working from home but opts for fruits as a healthier alternative to satisfy her sweet cravings. She mentioned keeping a bag of Sour Patch Kids for those times when she really needs a treat.

Commenters on Rizzo’s TikTok video praised her for sharing practical and doable tips for maintaining a healthy diet consistently. One viewer described Rizzo as the first fitness person whose tips sounded achievable on a regular basis, while another agreed that eating the same food every day can be monotonous. Rizzo’s approach to having a variety of foods in stock for meal preparation and snacking resonated with her audience, highlighting the importance of balance and flexibility in maintaining a healthy eating routine. Overall, Rizzo’s emphasis on proteins, fermented foods, and fruits as staples in her diet reflects a balanced approach to nutrition and weight loss.

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