Former President Donald Trump addressed the National Rifle Association in Texas, urging gun owners to vote in the 2024 election, as the organization officially endorsed him. Trump claimed that the Second Amendment is at risk if Democratic President Joe Biden is re-elected and accused Biden of attempting to take guns away from law-abiding citizens. Trump promised to defend the Second Amendment, calling himself the best friend of gun owners, as the United States faces record numbers of deaths due to mass shootings.

Biden administration has taken steps to combat gun violence, including a new rule to close a loophole allowing unlicensed dealers to sell guns without background checks. Trump has been criticized by Biden for remarks made after a school shooting in Iowa, where Trump called the incident terrible but then said people need to move forward. Trump also criticized independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., calling him “radical left” and a disaster for having once called the NRA a “terror group.”

Trump announced the creation of a “Gun Owners for Trump” coalition, which includes gun rights activists and firearms industry workers. Biden has made fighting gun violence a priority, creating the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention and advocating for banning assault weapons. In response to Trump’s NRA speech, a Biden spokesman accused Trump of putting the interests of the NRA over public safety, blaming him for potential increases in death and suffering.

During his presidency, Trump had promised to strengthen gun laws after a high school shooting in Parkland, Florida. However, he later backpedaled, citing lack of political support as a reason for not taking action. Trump also mentioned his ongoing hush money trial, accusing Democrats of targeting him for prosecution because he is Biden’s opponent. Trump criticized Biden’s border policies and reiterated his commitment to implementing the largest domestic deportation operation if re-elected.

In addition to addressing gun rights issues, Trump spoke about abortion, advising Republicans to speak with knowledge and intelligence on the topic to remain electable. He warned against being too extreme on abortion, emphasizing the importance of speaking from the heart while also considering re-election prospects. Trump also mentioned his upcoming speech at the Libertarian Party’s convention, where he plans to urge members to vote for him to prevent a potential Biden victory. Overall, the NRA event highlighted the importance of gun rights in the upcoming election and the division between Trump and Biden on the issue of gun control.

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