The recall is limited to the 44-pound bag of Pedigree dog food, with a best by date of March 4, 2025, and Lot Code 410B2TXT02. The recall was issued due to the potential presence of loose metal in the dog food. The impacted bags were sold at Walmart stores in Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas. Customers who believe they have purchased the affected product are advised to stop using it and contact Mars Petcare US for further instructions.

Pedigree has stated that there have been no reports of injuries or illnesses related to the potentially impacted dog food. Customers who suspect their pets have consumed the affected product are advised to monitor their behavior and contact a veterinarian if any concerns arise. Mars Petcare US can be reached at 1-800-525-5273 during specified hours for further assistance, or customers can visit Pedigree’s website for more information. Both Walmart and Mars Petcare US are working together to ensure that the recalled dog food has been removed from shelves.

In another recent pet product recall, Bausch + Lomb recalled Project Watson Eyelid Wipes for dogs due to a potential risk of exposure to fungi and bacteria. The recall was issued by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) after reports of substances developing in the container when the wipes were opened. Customers who have purchased the recalled eyelid wipes are advised to discontinue use immediately and request a refund. The wipes were sold at PetSmart, Walmart, and other stores nationally.

It is crucial for pet owners to stay informed about product recalls and take appropriate action if they have purchased a recalled product. Checking websites, contacting manufacturers, and following instructions provided in recall notices are essential steps to ensure the safety and well-being of pets. Both Mars Petcare US and Bausch + Lomb have taken swift action to recall potentially harmful products and provide support and assistance to customers who may have been affected.

Product recalls serve as a reminder of the importance of quality control and oversight in the manufacturing and distribution of pet products. Companies must adhere to strict safety standards to protect consumers and their pets from potential harm. By responding promptly to recalls and providing clear communication to customers, companies can mitigate risks and maintain the trust of their customer base. Pet owners should prioritize the safety and health of their furry companions by staying informed and following guidelines provided by manufacturers during product recalls.

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