The use of prohibited chemicals in munitions by Russian troops in Ukraine is on the rise, with Ukrainian forces reporting 371 cases of such incidents in the past month alone. This represents a significant increase from the previous month, with a total of 1412 incidents recorded over the past year. The use of banned chemicals, such as those found in K-51 and RG-VO grenades, is becoming a systemic pattern in Russia’s attacks on Ukraine, according to the Support Forces. Russian forces have been delivering these chemical munitions via drones, with reports of grenades containing suffocating and tear gas being dropped multiple times over the course of a week.

The Geneva Protocol of 1925 prohibits the use of chemical and biological weapons in war, yet Russian troops have been disregarding these international agreements by employing prohibited chemical munitions in their attacks on Ukraine. The Support Forces have highlighted the concerning trend of increased chemical weapons use by Russian forces, with the support of drones facilitating the delivery of these banned substances. The Institute for the Study of War has confirmed instances of Russian naval infantry units using prohibited chemical weapons in specific locations, further underscoring the severity of the situation. As the use of such weapons becomes more frequent and systematic, it poses a significant threat to the safety and well-being of Ukrainian civilians and military personnel.

The escalation of chemical weapons use by Russian troops in Ukraine has prompted international concerns about the violation of established norms and treaties governing the conduct of warfare. The Chemical Weapons Convention, which prohibits the use of chemical weapons, has been blatantly ignored by Russia in its aggressive actions against Ukraine. The repeated instances of prohibited chemicals being deployed in munitions underscore the urgent need for increased scrutiny and condemnation of Russia’s actions. The Support Forces’ report reflects the growing urgency of addressing this issue and holding Russia accountable for its violations of international law. The use of chemical weapons poses a grave danger not only to Ukraine but to regional stability and global security as well.

The Counteroffensive, a blog that covers issues related to Russian aggression in Ukraine, has shed light on the rising use of chemical weapons by Russian forces in the country. The publication highlights individual accounts of the impact of these banned substances on civilians and soldiers, underscoring the human cost of Russia’s aggressive actions. By bringing attention to these instances of prohibited chemical weapons use, The Counteroffensive seeks to raise awareness and mobilize support for the protection of Ukraine and the condemnation of Russia’s violations of international norms. The blog serves as a platform for advocating for independent journalism in Ukraine and supporting the ongoing fight against Russian aggression. Through its reporting and analysis, The Counteroffensive aims to provide valuable insights into the complex geopolitical dynamics at play in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

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