The Venezuelan TikToker, Leonel Moreno, who gained popularity last month after advocating for illegal immigrant criminals and encouraging migrants to squat in U.S. homes, is now reportedly on the run from immigration authorities. Moreno claimed that his family has been receiving $350 a week in government handouts since entering the U.S. illegally, as well as earning $1,000 a day as a TikTok influencer. However, his social media accounts have shown signs of inactivity and inconsistencies. Moreno allegedly removed his ankle monitor after receiving border parole and is now considered an “absconder” from immigration authorities.

Moreno had shared his plans to profit from “invading” abandoned houses and asserting squatters’ rights laws to take them over and then sell them for profit. Despite listing a church charity in Miami as his immigration sponsor, it has been reported that he has been residing in Columbus, Ohio. His actions have drawn criticism from the public, with many expressing concerns about how he has been living off taxpayer funds and supporting criminal activities. The issue of illegal immigration from Venezuela has been highlighted as a result, particularly with the presence of Tren de Aragua, a notorious gang from Venezuela, establishing itself in the U.S. and being linked to various criminal activities.

The Tren de Aragua gang has been associated with incidents in New York City, Florida, Texas, Illinois, and Georgia, including attacks on police officers, involvement in an international cellphone robbery ring, and indirectly connected to the murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley. The gang’s activities have raised alarms among authorities about the increasing visibility of illegal immigrants from Venezuela participating in criminal enterprises and posing a threat to public safety in several states across the country. The situation has prompted calls for stricter enforcement measures and increased vigilance against criminal elements infiltrating communities.

Moreno’s case exemplifies the complex challenges posed by illegal immigration and the exploitation of loopholes in the system by individuals seeking to take advantage of government resources for personal gain. His actions, along with those of the Tren de Aragua gang, underscore the need for comprehensive strategies to address the root causes of illegal immigration and prevent criminal organizations from expanding their influence in the U.S. The issue requires a multi-faceted approach that combines effective border security measures with efforts to address social and economic disparities that drive individuals to seek opportunities in the U.S. through illegal means.

The controversy surrounding Moreno and the Tren de Aragua gang highlights the broader implications of illegal immigration and transnational crime on communities across the country. Addressing these issues requires cooperation between law enforcement agencies at the local, state, and federal levels, as well as international partnerships to disrupt criminal networks and hold individuals accountable for their actions. By strengthening border security, improving immigration enforcement, and addressing the underlying causes of illegal migration, policymakers can work towards creating a safer and more secure environment for all residents, regardless of their immigration status. The case of Moreno serves as a cautionary tale about the risks and consequences of exploiting the system for personal gain and highlights the need for a coordinated response to address the complex challenges posed by illegal immigration and criminal activity.

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