Jacqueline Morris, a woman from South Portland, Maine, shared a theory on TikTok regarding why hard workers in junior roles may not be promoted despite their exemplary performance and positive attitude. She believes that companies are hesitant to promote these vital workers because they are difficult to replace, leading them to keep these employees in their current positions and look elsewhere for management roles. This theory has resonated with many social media users who have experienced similar situations in their own careers.

According to Morris, the reluctance to promote hard workers is not a reflection on the individual, but rather a strategic decision made by companies to prioritize their bottom line. She shared her theory after having a conversation with a close friend who was experiencing a lack of progression in her career despite being excellent at her job. Since sharing her thoughts on TikTok, the video has gone viral with millions of views and likes, sparking a debate among viewers.

However, not everyone agrees with Morris’ theory. Former corporate leader turned careers coach, Emily Walton, believes that hard workers are the perfect candidates for promotions in any field and should not be disheartened if it hasn’t happened yet. Walton emphasized the importance of promoting top talent who have the skills to align diverse interests and make strategic moves to drive progress in the company.

To overcome the challenge of being overlooked for promotions, Morris recommends seeking feedback from a trustworthy colleague, asking for a clear roadmap for advancement, and assessing one’s workplace to determine realistic ways to achieve career goals without sacrificing values. She believes her theory applies to all genders and age groups in various industries, noting that it disproportionately affects women and nonbinary individuals. Morris hopes that by speaking out about these challenges, a dialogue can be started to bring about positive change in the workplace.

Morris’ theory sparked a discussion on social media, with thousands of comments on her TikTok post sharing personal experiences that align with her beliefs. While some users agreed with her perspective, others shared differing opinions and examples of successful promotions despite being both excellent at their job and a pleasure to work with. Morris believes that by addressing these issues openly and sharing experiences, progress can be made towards creating a more equitable and rewarding work environment for all employees.

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