The Vessel, a climbable sculpture located in the Hudson Yards megadevelopment in Manhattan, was forced to close in 2021 due to a series of suicides that occurred on the structure. The towering honeycomb-like attraction will be reopening to the public later this year with added safety measures. These measures will include new steel mesh barriers on several stairways and platforms, with the top level of the 150-foot structure remaining off limits. The exact date of the reopening has not been confirmed, but Related Companies, the owner of Hudson Yards, is looking forward to welcoming visitors back.

Designed by Thomas Heatherwick and opened in 2019, the Vessel quickly became a popular tourist destination in New York City. However, after three suicides occurred by jumping off the structure within a year, it was closed to the public in early 2021. It reopened with enhanced security measures, suicide prevention signs, and a ban on hiking up the steps alone, but without the barriers that were requested by Manhattan officials and the local community board. Two months after reopening, the Vessel was closed again after a 14-year-old visiting the city with his family fatally leapt from the edge, prompting developers to investigate additional protections such as netting.

During the closure, developers have been exploring the feasibility of implementing new safety measures on the Vessel. A spokesperson for Related Companies stated that the new steel mesh barriers will be cut-resistant and able to withstand outdoor elements without compromising the structure’s form or views. Jessica Chait, the chair of the Manhattan community board, praised the upgrades but expressed that they should have been implemented sooner in order to prioritize the safety of everyone who visits the Vessel. The closure and subsequent safety enhancements have prompted reflection on the importance of prioritizing visitor safety at popular tourist attractions.

The reopening of the Vessel with added safety measures signals a renewed focus on ensuring the well-being of visitors to the Hudson Yards megadevelopment. The structure’s closure and subsequent upgrades have highlighted the need for proactive safety measures to prevent tragedies from occurring on public attractions. While the Vessel’s reopening date has not been confirmed, the implementation of steel mesh barriers will offer increased protection for visitors without compromising the structure’s design or views. The enhanced safety features are intended to prioritize the well-being of all individuals who visit the Vessel, reflecting a commitment to creating a safe and enjoyable experience for tourists in New York City.

The controversy surrounding the Vessel’s safety measures has sparked discussions about the responsibility of developers and city officials to prioritize visitor safety in public spaces. The suicides that occurred on the structure have raised concerns about the need for proactive safety measures to prevent future tragedies. The new steel mesh barriers represent a step towards addressing these concerns and enhancing the safety of the Vessel for all visitors. The reopening of the sculpture later this year will provide an opportunity to reassess safety protocols and ensure that the structure remains a safe and enjoyable destination for tourists in Manhattan. The ongoing focus on safety enhancements underscores the importance of creating secure environments in public spaces to protect the well-being of individuals who visit popular attractions like the Vessel in Hudson Yards.

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