Pedro Sánchez is now tasked with putting words to the title “Regenerating democracy.” The PP has already started writing the first verses, which they will continue to expand in the coming days. The battle is resuming from Parliament and the streets; it is the response that the PP is preparing against the intentions of the head of government. The PP believes they have more arguments against Sánchez now than they did five days ago, when the Prime Minister began reflecting on whether he should continue in politics due to the high cost of enduring insults, infamy, and falsehoods. The program of the President of the Government is still unknown. The responsibility falls on the socialist leader to confront undesirable political practices, with calls to society to support and accompany him without questioning any fundamental right or interfering with the separation of powers. The support of the diverse block that supported his investiture was there for Sánchez before he started his reflection last Wednesday. He also had it for reforms, although not just any reform.

After the eight-minute statement read on Monday, without the media present to ask for details, it could be guessed that his call to lay new foundations for democratic regeneration did not include an attempt to dialogue with the PP president. The subsequent statement by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, extremely harsh and disqualifying towards Pedro Sánchez, confirms with harshness that the gap between the two and their parties could deepen further. Feijóo only sees in Sánchez a politician who wants to impose his will, devoid of humanity and principles, and who only aspires to “end the regime” and govern without controls or checks. Sánchez will now see “the sentiment of the street,” Feijóo warns him. This announcement is also accompanied by the reminder that Feijóo expects the Senate committee to investigate possible irregularities in the purchase of masks during covid. The Congress committee is not valid for the PP. The PP does not confirm nor deny that the Senate committee will call Sánchez’s wife, Begoña Gómez, a possibility that is highly anticipated.

The President’s meditation has ended with the decision to move forward once he has tested the support of his party, many voters, class unions, sectors of the culture world, and progressive groups who support and share the diagnosis that there are political practices that do not respect the rules of the democratic game. The immediate response is “more democracy and more rights,” intervened immediately after Sánchez by the leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz. The progressive block of the investiture, pending a debate on what to do, remains united. Catalan parties are not providing support, amidst the electoral battle against the PSC for the Catalan elections. On the other hand, with renewed vigor, the PP will not give Sánchez a break.

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