A 3-year-old girl named Jasmine Denise Mikell tragically passed away after a bird bath fell on top of her, causing blunt force injury to her abdomen in South Carolina. The incident occurred at a home in Warrenville, where authorities responded to reports of the child being crushed by the bath. First responders found the family in distress and immediately began performing compressions on the young girl. Jasmine was rushed to the Children’s Hospital of Georgia but was pronounced dead the following day.

The death of Jasmine Mikell is being considered a tragic accident by authorities in South Carolina. However, the coroner, sheriff’s office, and the state’s South Carolina Law Enforcement Division are conducting investigations into her death. As of now, no one has been charged in connection to the incident. Her obituary described Jasmine as a bright and joyful spirit who made a lasting impact on those around her in her short time on earth, noting her love for honey grahams, candy, swimming, and trips to the park.

Jasmine’s family is grieving the loss of their beloved daughter and the community is mourning the tragic accident that took the life of the young girl. The South Carolina authorities are working diligently to uncover the circumstances surrounding her death and determine if any negligence or foul play was involved. The investigation is ongoing and the details of how the bird bath fell on Jasmine have not been fully disclosed to the public at this time.

The loss of Jasmine has brought heartbreak to those who knew her, with friends and family remembering her as a sweet and joyful child who brought happiness to everyone she encountered. Her love for simple pleasures like honey grahams and swimming have left a lasting impression on those who loved her. While the circumstances surrounding her death are still under investigation, the impact of her passing has been profound on the community.

The tragic death of Jasmine Mikell serves as a reminder of the fragility of life, especially for young children who should be safe in their own homes. The incident has sparked concern and sorrow among residents of South Carolina, who are mourning the loss of the innocent child. As the investigation continues, authorities hope to provide answers to the community about what led to the accident that claimed the life of the young girl.

In the wake of this devastating accident, loved ones and community members are coming together to support Jasmine’s family in their time of grief. The impact of her passing will never be forgotten by those who knew and loved her. As the investigation into her death progresses, authorities are working to bring closure and understanding to the tragic circumstances that led to the untimely death of the 3-year-old girl in South Carolina.

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