New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy faced criticism for not returning to the state after a significant earthquake occurred on Friday. U.S. Rep. Jeff Van Drew criticized Murphy for not issuing an on-camera address to residents, despite conducting interviews with various media outlets. Van Drew mentioned that residents had to rely on New York leadership for guidance during the disaster, as Murphy was not present in New Jersey. The Republican representative expressed disappointment in Murphy’s absence, stating that it would have been beneficial for residents to see their leader during such a challenging time.

The earthquake, which measured at least 4.8 magnitude, struck near Lebanon, New Jersey, causing residents to feel significant shaking. However, there were no reports of major damage to structures, roadways, or infrastructure as a result of the earthquake. The state’s emergency operations center was deactivated on Saturday morning, indicating that the situation was under control. Despite the lack of significant damage, the earthquake was the largest experienced by New Jersey in almost 150 years.

Fox News attempted to reach out to Governor Murphy’s office for comment on his absence during the earthquake. While Murphy did not issue an on-camera statement, he provided updates on the situation through social media. He noted that the emergency operations center had been deactivated, signaling that the immediate threat had passed. However, concerns remained among residents, prompting criticism towards Murphy for not being present in the state during the natural disaster.

The earthquake not only affected New Jersey but was felt by approximately 42 million people in 14 states across the East Coast. More than two-dozen aftershocks were reported following the initial quake, causing further unease among residents. With such widespread impact, many Americans were unsettled by the earthquake, highlighting the importance of strong leadership during such crises. The absence of Governor Murphy during this time led to criticism from representatives like Van Drew, who believed it was essential for residents to have reassurance from their leader.

Despite the earthquake being the largest in the state’s recent history, there were no reports of significant damage. Murphy’s decision not to return to New Jersey during this time raised questions about his leadership and commitment to the state’s residents. While some defended Murphy’s actions, stating that the situation was under control, others, including Van Drew, expressed disappointment in his absence. Moving forward, it remains to be seen how Governor Murphy will address the criticism and ensure that New Jersey residents feel supported and informed during times of crisis.

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