Patti Peeples, a Florida homeowner, fell victim to squatters who occupied her property just as she had received an offer for it. It took 36 days for the squatters to be evicted, costing Peeples thousands of dollars to repair the damage they left behind. Peeples decided to share her story and bring awareness to the issue of squatting, which led to the passage of a Florida bill that gave property rights to homeowners and protected them from squatters. Her experience motivated state lawmakers to make a change in the law to address this common problem.

Squatting is a nationwide issue, and Peeples believes that sharing stories like hers can reach government officials and lead to action. After Rep. Kevin Steele and Sen. Keith Perry saw Peeples’ story on Fox News, they contacted her and expressed interest in addressing the issue of squatting. Peeples believes that her story generated local, national, and legislative interest in squatting, showcasing the value of the free press and bipartisan cooperation to address common problems. When the Florida bill aimed at protecting homeowners’ rights was under consideration, Peeples provided testimony before the Florida Senate and House committees.

On March 27, 2024, Governor Ron DeSantis signed bill HB 621 into law, which will go into effect on July 1, 2024. The bill aims to protect homeowners’ rights, provide remedies against squatters, and increase penalties for those who engage in squatting. Peeples emphasized that the passing of this bill in Florida has inspired other states like New York, South Carolina, Georgia, and Michigan to consider similar legislation to address the issue of squatting. Peeples highlighted the bipartisan support for the bill in Florida as a victory that is unusual in the current political climate of the United States.

Peeples continues to raise awareness about squatting happening nationwide, even though she has scaled back her real estate ventures after her personal experience with squatters. Despite having only one rental property, Peeples has implemented precautions to prevent squatting in her neighborhood. She remains involved in seeking justice against the squatters who occupied her home, seeking damages for various costs incurred during the incident. Peeples shared the emotional toll that the squatting situation took on her, including sleep loss and fear for her safety, as well as concerns about property owners resorting to violence to remove squatters when the police have no power in such situations.

The passage of the Florida bill and Peeples’ advocacy have brought about positive changes in addressing squatting at a legislative level. Peeples’ story has inspired lawmakers in other states to consider similar measures to protect homeowners and property rights. Despite the financial and emotional costs incurred due to the squatting incident in her property, Peeples remains committed to advocating for solutions that address the issue of squatting in a legal and non-violent manner. Through her efforts and the support of legislators, Peeples has demonstrated the power of citizen activism in effecting change in the laws and protections for homeowners across the country.

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