The Civil Guard of Castellón has detained and removed from their positions a sergeant and three agents from the barracks of the Civil Guard in Nules (Castellón) after detecting “irregularities” in the monitoring of a gender violence victim included in the VioGén protection system who had died in August 2021 for reasons unrelated to gender violence. The sergeant and the agents were arrested in February, although the case, revealed by Cadena SER, was only made public on Friday. The agents continued to document their supervision of the victim’s situation and visits to her home, despite her no longer living there. The Internal Affairs service of the Civil Guard of Castellón confirmed that the agents were not fulfilling their monitoring obligations to the victim. The case is now in the hands of the court in Nules. While awaiting a judicial resolution, the three guards involved have been removed and the sergeant is on reserve, according to sources close to the investigation. There has already been a change in leadership at the Nules barracks, according to the same sources.

The VioGén system aims to protect women victims of gender violence. There are five levels of risk: extreme, high, medium, low, and not appreciated. Depending on the level, different protection measures are implemented. In cases of extreme risk, the woman has 24-hour police surveillance. The level of risk in the case of the victim in Nules has not been disclosed. “It was about monitoring a gender violence victim,” clarified the Civil Guard of Castellón. The incident highlights the importance of close monitoring and proper adherence to protocols in cases of gender violence to ensure the safety and protection of victims. The involvement of law enforcement agencies is crucial in providing support and intervention for victims of gender violence.

The detention and removal of the sergeant and agents from their positions emphasize the seriousness with which the Civil Guard of Castellón is taking the irregularities in the monitoring of the gender violence victim in Nules. The breach of their duties in ensuring the safety and protection of the victim has led to legal ramifications for the individuals involved. The investigation conducted by the Internal Affairs service of the Civil Guard of Castellón will shed further light on the extent of the irregularities and any possible misconduct that may have occurred. The case serves as a reminder of the importance of adherence to protocols and guidelines in cases of gender violence to prevent any lapses in monitoring and protection.

The incident underscores the need for continuous training and oversight within law enforcement agencies to ensure that protocols and procedures are followed correctly in cases of gender violence. Proper training on gender violence issues, as well as regular monitoring and evaluation of officers’ performance, are essential to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. The accountability of law enforcement agencies in cases of gender violence is crucial in upholding the rights and safety of victims. The actions taken by the Civil Guard of Castellón in detaining and removing the individuals involved demonstrate their commitment to addressing any lapses or misconduct within their ranks promptly and effectively.

The case of the gender violence victim in Nules also highlights the importance of multidisciplinary approaches in addressing gender violence. Collaboration between law enforcement agencies, social services, legal authorities, and other relevant stakeholders is essential in providing comprehensive support and protection to victims. The integration of different perspectives and expertise in handling cases of gender violence can lead to more effective intervention and prevention strategies. By working together, these entities can create a more coordinated and holistic response to gender violence cases, ensuring the safety and well-being of victims is prioritized. The incident serves as a call to action for improved coordination and collaboration among different agencies and organizations involved in combating gender violence.

In conclusion, the detention and removal of a sergeant and three agents from the Civil Guard in Nules for irregularities in monitoring a gender violence victim underscores the importance of adherence to protocols and guidelines in cases of gender violence. The incident highlights the need for continuous training and oversight of law enforcement agencies to prevent similar lapses in the future. Collaboration among different stakeholders is essential in providing comprehensive support and protection to victims of gender violence. The actions taken by the Civil Guard of Castellón demonstrate their commitment to addressing misconduct promptly and effectively within their ranks. The case serves as a reminder of the importance of upholding the rights and safety of gender violence victims through proper monitoring and intervention.

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