Chris Gambale, a Brooklyn film producer, is suing Amazon for $1 million after he tripped over a package that was carelessly placed, causing him to shatter his arm. The incident occurred just after the death of his mother, for whom he was caring at the time. He had to walk her dog after spending four hours cleaning up following her passing. The delivery instructions had requested that packages be brought up the driveway and left near the garage, but the driver tossed the package on the steps instead while talking on the phone.

As a result of the injuries he sustained from the fall, Gambale is no longer able to work as a film and television producer, effectively ending his professional career. The emotional distress he experienced was exacerbated by the fact that the accident occurred on the same day as his mother’s death. Gambale, who has worked in the film industry for many years, was in the development stages of a movie called “Nights of Turquoise,” a film about 1980’s Brooklyn mobsters that he was writing and directing. The movie was scheduled for release next year.

In the past, Gambale had threatened to sue MTV over the show “Jersey Shore,” claiming it was a rip off of a show he had originally pitched. However, this lawsuit against Amazon marks a new legal battle for the film producer. Both Gambale and Amazon have yet to respond to inquiries about the incident. The lawsuit was filed in Manhattan Supreme Court and seeks $1 million in damages for the injuries Gambale sustained due to the fall caused by the improperly placed package.

The lawsuit highlights the dangers of package delivery services that do not follow proper instructions, leading to accidents and injuries for individuals like Gambale. The incident not only caused physical harm but also ended Gambale’s career as a film producer. The emotional distress of the accident occurring on the same day as his mother’s death further underscores the impact it had on him. Despite his previous experiences in the industry, Gambale is now facing a new legal battle against a major corporation like Amazon in pursuit of compensation for the harm he suffered.

The outcome of the lawsuit will determine whether Gambale is able to receive the compensation he is seeking for the injuries he sustained and the impact they have had on his life and career. The incident serves as a cautionary tale for delivery services to ensure that packages are placed in safe and appropriate locations to prevent accidents and injuries. As Gambale continues to recover from his injuries and the emotional distress caused by the incident, he is seeking justice through the legal system in his lawsuit against Amazon. The case will shed light on the responsibility of delivery services to follow proper procedures to protect the safety of individuals receiving packages.

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