In Parliament today, two individual motions of no confidence will be discussed for two ministers in the Meloni government. The first motion is for Minister of Tourism Daniela Santanchè and is related to investigations against her regarding Visibilia. The accusation states that 13 employees of the company were placed on zero-hour furlough without their knowledge, continuing to work. The case of aggravated fraud totaling 126,000 euros against the National Social Security Institute (INPS) is based on a complaint by Federica Bottiglione, the company’s former Investor Relations manager. The investigation has been closed, and now the decision of the Judge for Preliminary Hearing is awaited to determine whether Daniela Santanchè should stand trial for the charges indicated by the Public Prosecutor. Santanchè has stated that until a definitive outcome is reached through all three levels of legal proceedings, no one can be considered guilty according to the Constitution. However, she will make a serious and conscious evaluation of the situation in respect of the Government and her party after the Judge’s decision, as the matter predates her appointment as Minister.

The second motion of no confidence, brought forward by the opposition, is for Minister of Infrastructure and Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini. The outcome of this vote does not pose a threat to the government. The motion’s focus is on the alliance signed by Salvini’s League party with Vladimir Putin’s “United Russia” party, but Salvini and his party have stated that the alliance was annulled when Russia invaded Ukraine.

The case of Daniela Santanchè highlights allegations of aggravated fraud against INPS.

Salvini and his party have indicated that their alliance with “United Russia” was terminated following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The potential judicial proceedings and political consequences for Santanchè and Salvini following the motions of no confidence remain uncertain.

The motions of no confidence against Minister Santanchè and Minister Salvini are significant in the context of ongoing political developments within the Meloni government. The outcomes of these motions will have implications for the stability of the government and the political landscape in Italy. The decisions made in Parliament regarding these motions will shape future debates and actions within the government. The statements and actions of Santanchè and Salvini in response to the allegations against them will also influence public perception and political discourse in the country. Ultimately, the resolutions of these motions will have wide-ranging consequences for the individuals involved, their parties, and the wider political environment in Italy.

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