Clarisa Figueroa from Chicago was sentenced to 50 years in prison for the murder of Marlen Ochoa-Lopez, a 9-month pregnant woman in 2019. Figueroa pleaded guilty to first-degree murder after her daughter, Desiree Figueroa, admitted to assisting her mother in the murder plot. Desiree agreed to testify against her mother and was charged with 30 years in prison. The authorities revealed that the murder plot began after Figueroa’s adult son died, and she began desperately searching for a newborn, posting an ultrasound and baby room photos on Facebook. Figueroa connected with Ochoa-Lopez on a Facebook page for pregnant women and lured her to their home under the pretense of giving away free baby clothes.

Police indicated that Figueroa used a coaxial cable to strangle Ochoa-Lopez, then cut the baby from her womb. Desiree Figueroa admitted to handing her mother a kitchen knife used in the crime. Detectives found Ochoa-Lopez’s body in a garbage can outside the Figueroas’ home after discovering her car nearby. Clarisa Figueroa later called 911, falsely claiming to have given birth to a baby boy who was not breathing. When the baby was taken to a hospital, nurses found discrepancies and conducted DNA tests, which revealed the baby to be Ochoa-Lopez’s child. The baby, Yovanny Jadiel Lopez, died months later in June 2019. Figueroa tricked her boyfriend into believing he was the father of the baby.

The authorities stated that Clarisa Figueroa posted an advertisement on Facebook offering free baby clothes and lured Marlen Ochoa-Lopez to her home under false pretenses. Figueroa strangled Ochoa-Lopez with a coaxial cable and cut the baby from her womb while Desiree Figueroa handed her a kitchen knife. Detectives investigating the case found Ochoa-Lopez’s body in a garbage can outside the Figueroas’ home after locating her car nearby. Figueroa falsely claimed to have given birth when she called 911, leading to the discovery of the murder. The baby boy died three months later, and Figueroa’s boyfriend, Piotr Bobak, was sentenced to four years in prison for cleaning up the crime scene.

Clarisa Figueroa was sentenced to 50 years in prison for the murder of Marlen Ochoa-Lopez, a pregnant woman whose baby was cut from her womb. Figueroa pleaded guilty to first-degree murder after her daughter, Desiree Figueroa, admitted to assisting in the murder plot. Desiree was charged and sentenced to 30 years in prison. The authorities revealed that Figueroa’s murder plot began after her son died, leading her to search desperately for a newborn. Figueroa posted baby-related content on Facebook to deceive Ochoa-Lopez and lure her to their home, where the murder took place. The baby, Yovanny Jadiel Lopez, died months after being cut from his mother’s womb. Bobak, Figueroa’s boyfriend, helped clean the crime scene and was sentenced to four years in prison for obstruction of justice.

The murder case involving Clarisa Figueroa and her daughter, Desiree Figueroa, shocked Chicago in 2019. Figueroa’s elaborate plot to murder a pregnant woman and steal her baby was revealed after detectives found Marlen Ochoa-Lopez’s body outside the Figueroas’ home. Figueroa and her daughter lured Ochoa-Lopez to their home under the pretense of giving away baby clothes and proceeded to strangle and cut the baby from her womb. The discovery of the crime was made after Figueroa falsely claimed to have given birth when she called 911. The baby, Yovanny Jadiel Lopez, later died, and Figueroa’s boyfriend, Piotr Bobak, was sentenced to four years in prison for his involvement in the case.

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