Security forces continue their inspections in the city to prevent irregular migration. As part of this, teams captured 30 Afghan, Iraqi, and Pakistani nationals who were determined to have entered the country illegally. The irregular migrants were sent to the Provincial Migration Management Directorate after the necessary procedures.

It is important for security forces to crack down on irregular migration, as it poses various risks and challenges for the country. By apprehending those who enter the country illegally, they are able to maintain order and ensure the safety of the citizens. The continuous efforts of security forces in conducting inspections and capturing irregular migrants demonstrate their commitment to upholding the laws and regulations regarding migration.

The issue of irregular migration is a global phenomenon that affects many countries, including Turkey. By monitoring and controlling the borders, security forces are able to prevent individuals from entering the country illegally. This not only helps in maintaining security within the country but also ensures that the legal processes for migration are followed properly. The recent capture of 30 irregular migrants from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan highlights the ongoing efforts of security forces in addressing this issue.

After capturing the irregular migrants, the security forces send them to the Provincial Migration Management Directorate for further processing. This step is crucial in ensuring that the necessary legal procedures are followed and that the migrants are managed in accordance with the regulations. By cooperating with the relevant authorities, security forces are able to effectively handle cases of irregular migration and prevent such incidents from occurring in the future.

The efforts of security forces in preventing irregular migration are commendable, as it requires constant vigilance and dedication. By conducting regular inspections and apprehending those who enter the country illegally, they are able to maintain order and security within the borders. The collaboration between security forces and the Provincial Migration Management Directorate is also crucial in managing irregular migrants and addressing the challenges associated with migration. Overall, the efforts of security forces in addressing irregular migration play a key role in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of the citizens.

In conclusion, the continuous efforts of security forces in preventing irregular migration are essential in maintaining order and security within the country. By conducting inspections and capturing those who enter the country illegally, they are able to address the challenges associated with migration and ensure that legal procedures are followed. The recent capture of 30 irregular migrants from Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan is a testament to the commitment of security forces in addressing this issue. Moving forward, it is important for security forces to continue their efforts and collaborate with relevant authorities to effectively manage cases of irregular migration.

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