Ximena Velez-Liendo, a conservation biologist, fell in love with Andean bears in 1998 when she encountered one in Bolivia. These bears are recognized by the pale fur around their eyes and are facing threats due to habitat loss and human conflicts. Velez-Liendo started a conservation project to help protect these bears in Bolivia, conducting assessments to estimate the population and identify key threats to the species.

Through her efforts, Andean bears in Bolivia went from being near extinction to healthy and recovering populations. Her work has informed global, regional, and local conservation efforts for these bears, contributing significantly to their preservation. Velez-Liendo is a well-known bear expert, with a passion for conservation and creative approaches to protecting wildlife.

Velez-Liendo’s research revealed that the dry forested valleys of Tarija in southern Bolivia provide suitable habitat for Andean bears outside of protected parks. Despite facing conflicts with locals, Velez-Liendo implemented a program that trained farmers as beekeepers to save bears in the region. By selling honey locally and promoting nature-friendly agricultural practices, the project has increased the bear population and reduced conflicts between bears and humans.

Velez-Liendo’s approach involves engaging local communities in conservation efforts, emphasizing the importance of protecting ecosystems and wildlife. Her work in Tarija has been successful in saving the bear population from extinction and has had positive impacts on the local economy. She aims to replicate this model in other regions of Bolivia to connect isolated bear populations and create stepping stones of habitat for these animals.

Despite facing challenges in a male-dominated field, Velez-Liendo has demonstrated determination and resilience in her conservation work. Mentored by experienced biologists, she has earned the trust and collaboration of local communities, paving the way for successful conservation initiatives. Her focus on working with people as a solution for saving wildlife highlights a shift towards community-based conservation efforts.

With ongoing support from the Chester Zoo, Velez-Liendo plans to continue her conservation work and aims to publish results from Tarija. She also plans to educate a wider audience about bears through an educational book. Her ultimate goal is to promote harmony between humans and wildlife, emphasizing the importance of coexistence and peaceful interactions with nature.

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