Wordle is a popular online word puzzle game where players have six chances to guess a five-letter word. Hints are provided to help players narrow down their guesses, and the answer is revealed at the end of each day. In today’s Wordle answer, the word is “RAISE,” which is a common word that starts with the letter “R” and ends with a vowel. Previous Wordle answers include words like “BLIMP,” “EQUIP,” and “SHANK.”

The game was created by Josh Wardle and was acquired by The New York Times in 2022. Wardle initially created the game for his partner, using a database of 2,500 five-letter words that she helped narrow down from 12,000. The New York Times celebrated the game’s 1000th word, which was “ERUPT.” Players can also enjoy other games in the Times Games stable, such as Connections and Spelling Bee. There is also a new game called Strands that is still in beta testing.

Some players choose starter words based on common letters in English words, while others select random objects they see around them. The feedback provided in Wordle helps players determine which letters are in the puzzle and whether they are in the correct position. If players are struggling with the game, they can refer to tips and strategies shared by experienced players. The game has become a daily challenge for many and has gained a large following since its creation.

Wordle continues to be a popular game where players test their word knowledge and deduction skills. The game’s simple format and addictive nature make it a favorite among puzzle enthusiasts. Whether players are aiming for a long winning streak or just trying to improve their vocabulary, Wordle offers a fun and engaging experience. With daily hints and new words to guess, the game provides a daily mental challenge for players of all ages.

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