Today’s Wordle answer is PIOUS, a word that means showing reverence, usually used to describe someone who is deeply religious. The hints for this Wordle included no repeated letters in the answer, three vowels all in a row, and the starting letter being P. Previous answers to Wordle puzzles include MUSTY, EBONY, VALUE, DECAL, and SHAVE. Players can use strategies like choosing familiar five-letter objects as starter words or selecting words with popular letters in English. Wordle, a game where players have six chances to guess a five-letter word, was originally created by Josh Wardle for his partner and was later bought by The New York Times in 2022.

The New York Times celebrates Wordle’s 1,000th word on March 15, with the word being ERUPT. Other games in the Times Games collection include Connections, a game where players must group related words together, and Spelling Bee, a popular word game. Additionally, a new game in beta called Strands is being tested by players. Wordle has become a hit online word puzzle game where players receive feedback on whether the letters guessed are in the puzzle and in the correct position. The game was created by Josh Wardle, who narrowed down 12,000 five-letter words to just 2,500 for the game’s database of answers, with the first game appearing on June 19, 2021.

For those who may need help with Wordle, tips and strategies have been shared in various articles, including the best starter words and a helpful two-step strategy. Some players choose starter words based on objects they see around them, while others prefer words with popular English letters. The game is known for its addictive nature and simple yet challenging gameplay. Players have the opportunity to guess a five-letter word within six chances, with the game providing feedback on the accuracy of their guesses. The purchase of Wordle by The New York Times in 2022 brought increased popularity to the game and its daily puzzles.

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