Apple’s new iPad Pro ad, posted by CEO Tim Cook, has caused quite a stir on social media. The ad begins with a homage to human creativity, showcasing various creative tools on a metal slab in a warehouse-like room. As the song “All I Ever Need Is You” by Sonny & Cher plays, a giant hydraulic press descends and crushes all the items in a dramatic fashion, leaving behind a shiny new iPad Pro. While the concept of the ad is to highlight the power of the new iPad Pro, many viewers found it disrespectful and sad, criticizing the wanton destruction of creative equipment.

Some viewers expressed that the ad lacked respect for creative tools and the creators themselves. Despite understanding the message Apple was trying to convey about the iPad Pro being a powerful creative tool, many found the ad to be unsettling. The choice of song and the destruction of the items in the ad seemed to idolize technology over real-life experiences, leaving some viewers feeling nostalgic for simpler offline pleasures. The sentiment echoed by many was that the ad should have focused on capturing and honoring the essence of the items instead of crushing the soul out of them.

This ad backlash is not the first time that a company has received negative feedback for an advertisement. Similar to the infamous Peloton holiday ad and the Kendall Jenner Pepsi ad, the Apple iPad Pro ad has sparked controversy. With concerns about technology replacing human jobs and the detrimental effects of prolonged social media use, many consumers are becoming more wary of technology’s impact. The ad’s portrayal of technology as replacing traditional joys and experiences has struck a nerve with viewers, leading to a visceral backlash.

The negative response to the ad may stem from a larger societal unease about technology’s role in our lives. As fears mount about AI replacing jobs and the negative effects of technology on mental health, consumers are increasingly questioning the role of technology in society. The ad’s depiction of technology as the ultimate creative tool, at the expense of traditional methods of expression, has sparked a debate about the value of technology versus human experiences. Many viewers feel that the ad missed the mark by focusing on the destruction of creative tools instead of celebrating their importance.

In response to the criticism, Apple has not issued a statement addressing the ad controversy. It remains to be seen how the backlash will impact the perception of the new iPad Pro and Apple’s marketing strategy moving forward. The ad’s reception highlights the delicate balance companies must strike between promoting technological innovation and respecting traditional values. As technology continues to evolve, it will be crucial for companies to consider the ethical implications of their marketing campaigns and the impact on society. Ultimately, the ad controversy serves as a reminder of the complex relationship between technology and human creativity in today’s modern world.

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