The US State Department has found that five Israeli security units committed human rights violations prior to the Gaza war with Hamas, with only one unit potentially facing restrictions on military assistance under US law. Four of the units have remediated the violations, while discussions are ongoing regarding the fifth unit, reportedly the ultra-Orthodox Netzah Yehuda battalion. Israel has provided additional information to the US, which is being reviewed to determine if it meets the standards for aid restriction under the Leahy Law. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has emphasized the deliberate nature of the determination process.

The Leahy Law prohibits US assistance to foreign security units implicated in human rights abuses, with an exception allowing aid to resume if effective steps are taken to hold accountable those responsible for the violations. Israel has been granted more time to present information and remediation efforts, causing concern and anger among officials including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The US State Department maintains that Israel is not receiving unique treatment and that the Leahy process is being followed in evaluating the situation.

The ongoing process involves careful consideration of the information provided by Israel and a determination of whether the remediation efforts meet the required standards for aid restriction. The details of the units involved and the specifics of the remediation process are not disclosed by the State Department, and it is unclear whether the fifth unit has taken any steps to address the violations. The standard for remediation varies from country to country, but ultimately, if the efforts are found to be inconsistent with US standards, there may be restrictions on applicable assistance. The story has been updated with additional details as they become available.

In recent weeks, there has been a focus on reviewing the actions and information provided by Israel to determine the appropriate course of action regarding military assistance. The Leahy Law determination process is described as deliberate and aimed at gathering all relevant facts before making a decision. While discussions continue between the US and Israel regarding the potential restrictions on aid, there is an emphasis on ensuring that effective steps are taken to address the human rights violations that occurred before the Gaza war. The State Department is closely monitoring the situation and will take action if needed based on the standards set by the Leahy Law.

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