Just a few weeks before the European elections and six months before the Thuringian state elections, the top candidates of the CDU and AfD, Mario Voigt and Björn Höcke, will face off in a TV debate on WELT TV. The Thuringian state politicians will engage in a debate on the existence of the European Union, with WELT TV’s chief moderator Tatjana Ohm and chief editor Jan Philipp Burgard serving as the moderators. Burgard emphasizes the importance of public political discussions as a sign of a healthy democracy, stating that excluding parties from discourse has not been effective.

Following the debate, WELT TV will air a special program starting at 9:00 PM, where moderator Alexander Siemon will lead a discussion and analysis with journalists including Robin Alexander, Mariam Lau, Beatrice Achterberg, and Alisha Mendgen. This panel will delve into the content of the debate between Mario Voigt and Björn Höcke. Viewers can catch the TV debate and the subsequent special program live on WELT Television on Thursday, April 11, 2024, as well as on the WELT.de livestream and later on in the Mediathek and TV app.

The TV debate between Mario Voigt and Björn Höcke comes amidst a heated political climate in the lead-up to the European and state elections. The discussion will focus on the role and relevance of the European Union, with both candidates presenting their views on the topic. The moderators, Tatjana Ohm and Jan Philipp Burgard, will facilitate a critical examination of the candidates’ statements, regardless of their alignment with the values of the hosting news channel.

The decision to host a public TV debate between the CDU and AfD candidates reflects a commitment to fostering dialogue and open discussion within the political landscape. By engaging in a televised debate, Voigt and Höcke have the opportunity to present their arguments and engage in a direct exchange of ideas in front of a wide audience. The event serves as a platform for both candidates to articulate their positions and engage in a constructive exchange of views.

The special program following the TV debate will provide further analysis and discussion of the key points raised during the debate between Mario Voigt and Björn Höcke. Journalists and commentators will offer their insights and perspectives on the topics discussed, providing viewers with additional context and interpretation of the political showdown. The program aims to deepen understanding and stimulate further dialogue on the issues raised during the debate.

Viewers can tune in to watch the TV debate and special program on WELT Television, WELT.de livestream, and the Mediathek and TV app, enabling widespread access to the political discussions unfolding between Mario Voigt and Björn Höcke. The event represents a significant opportunity for viewers to engage with the political process and gain insights into the positions and perspectives of the CDU and AfD candidates as they prepare for upcoming elections in Germany.

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