Waterlooville high-street in Hampshire has been dubbed the “worst high street in the UK” due to its desolate and rundown appearance, with only three shops open and many empty, boarded-up storefronts. The area has earned the nickname “ghost town” with comparisons to a “zombie apocalypse”. A recent video by YouTuber JoeFish highlighted the dire situation of the high-street, describing it as “literally seeing the death of the British high street before our eyes.” The town’s historical significance, being named after the Battle of Waterloo, which took place in 1815, is juxtaposed with its current dilapidated state.

The high-street of Waterlooville, home to over 64,000 people, has commercial units that are shut, abandoned, and in a state of total disrepair. Several businesses in the area have attributed the poor condition of the street to factors such as high rents and the quality of the interiors. Despite the grim state of the high-street, some residents and businesses remain optimistic about the area’s potential for revitalization. Hampshire Life magazine suggested that Waterlooville could be an attractive place to live due to its location between the countryside and the coast, as well as its community and commutability. The town boasts good schools, green spaces, and affordable family homes, with ongoing development projects indicating positive changes on the horizon.

Local businesses in Waterlooville have shared their thoughts on the situation, with one commenter explaining that a shopping center was planned for demolition and the subsequent development of flats was rejected, leading to the current state of disuse and decay. This information sheds light on some of the underlying causes of the high-street’s decline. Additionally, concerns have been raised about the presence of vagrants and the high rents that could be inhibiting aspiring business owners from setting up shop in the area. However, there are also positive aspects to the town, as highlighted by Joe Williams, who praised the cafes and eateries in Waterlooville despite acknowledging the need for improvement in the high street.

While Waterlooville’s high-street may currently resemble a “ghost town” with empty shops and boarded-up windows, there is hope for its regeneration and revival. Viewers of JoeFish’s video have expressed shock and concern about the state of the British high street, prompting discussions about the factors contributing to its decline and potential solutions for improvement. The town’s location, amenities, and community spirit are seen as positive attributes that could attract residents and businesses back to the area. With ongoing development projects and renovations in the works, there is a glimmer of hope for Waterlooville to shed its “worst high street” reputation and emerge as a thriving local hub once again.

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