A tornado ripped through the town of Bartlesville in Oklahoma, causing widespread devastation. The twister was on the ground for approximately 35 miles, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. This tornado was one of at least 22 recorded across seven states on that fateful night. The town of Bartlesville was hit hard by the tornado, with homes and buildings being severely damaged or destroyed. The aftermath of the tornado left residents shocked and in need of assistance.

The tornado outbreak that swept through seven states left a path of destruction in its wake. The town of Bartlesville in Oklahoma bore the brunt of the devastation, with many homes and buildings in ruins. The tornado was on the ground for 35 miles, causing significant damage to the area. The widespread destruction left residents in shock and in need of help as they tried to recover and rebuild from the disaster. The impact of the tornado outbreak was felt across multiple states, with communities coming together to support each other in the aftermath.

Dave Malkoff from CBS News reported on the devastation caused by the tornado in Bartlesville. The town was hit by the twister, which was one of 22 tornadoes recorded across seven states on that night. The tornado tore through the area, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. Homes and buildings were destroyed, and residents were left reeling from the impact of the storm. Malkoff’s reports highlighted the magnitude of the disaster and the urgent need for assistance in the affected communities.

The tornado outbreak that swept across seven states, including Oklahoma, caused widespread damage and devastation. The town of Bartlesville was one of the hardest hit areas, with many homes and buildings destroyed by the twister. The tornado was on the ground for 35 miles, leaving a trail of destruction that residents were left to clean up and rebuild from. The aftermath of the tornado left many in shock and in need of assistance as they tried to come to terms with the disaster and start the recovery process.

The tornado that ripped through Bartlesville, Oklahoma, was a part of a larger outbreak that affected seven states. The twister was one of at least 22 tornadoes recorded that night, causing widespread damage and devastation across the region. The town of Bartlesville bore the brunt of the storm, with many homes and buildings destroyed by the tornado. The aftermath of the disaster left residents in shock and in need of assistance as they tried to pick up the pieces and rebuild their lives in the wake of the destruction.

The tornado outbreak that swept through seven states, including Oklahoma, left a path of destruction in its wake. The town of Bartlesville was severely impacted by the tornado, with many homes and buildings destroyed by the powerful storm. The tornado was on the ground for 35 miles, causing significant damage to the area and leaving residents in shock and in need of help. The community came together to support each other in the aftermath of the disaster, showing resilience and strength in the face of adversity.

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