A large crowd gathered outside the Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque after the evening prayer and then started walking towards Eminönü Square with torches in hand. In the group were people carrying models of US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who protested against Israel’s attacks on Gaza with Turkish and English slogans. The walk concluded in Eminönü Square where the Quran was recited and prayers were made. French activist and international law professor Frank Romano, who participated in the walk, expressed his happiness to be with the Palestinians and the crowds in Eminönü.

During his speech, Romano mentioned his hope for the fleet heading to Gaza, stating that he never lost hope in their departure. He expressed his solidarity with the Palestinians and their resistance against the massacres, assuring them that they are not alone in their struggle. Additionally, National athlete and Kudüs Medal recipient Necmettin Erbakan Akyüz declared that they will always stand against the Zionist lobbies indirectly supporting Israel, both in Turkey and globally. Following the speeches, the walk came to an end.

The event saw a large turnout of supporters denouncing Israel’s aggressive actions in Gaza through a peaceful march. The presence of individuals carrying models of Biden and Netanyahu symbolized their resistance against foreign leaders who stood by as Israel launched attacks on innocent civilians. The walk concluded in a moment of prayer, emphasizing unity and solidarity with the Palestinian people in their fight for justice and peace.

The participation of international figures such as Frank Romano highlighted the global support for the Palestinian cause and the rejection of Israel’s oppressive tactics. Romano’s words of encouragement and his belief in the fleet’s departure to Gaza inspired hope among the attendees, demonstrating that the fight for Palestine’s freedom continues. The presence of Kudüs Medal recipient Necmettin Erbakan Akyüz reinforced the determination of Turkish citizens to oppose any form of support for Israel and stand in solidarity with Palestine at all times.

The peaceful march in Istanbul sent a powerful message of unity and solidarity with the Palestinian people, demanding an end to the violence and oppression in Gaza. The event emphasized the importance of international support in advocating for justice and peace in the region. The walk’s conclusion with prayers and speeches reflected the determination of the participants to continue their efforts in supporting the Palestinian cause and denouncing Israel’s continued aggression. The event served as a reminder that the fight for justice and freedom in Palestine is a global issue that requires ongoing solidarity and action.

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