Angela Stanton King, a former Trump supporter and Republican House candidate, announced her decision to step down as a top advisor to independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. citing the “increasingly hateful and divisive atmosphere.” In a statement posted on social media, Stanton King expressed her desire to focus on her nonprofit work supporting pregnant women and returning citizens, stating that the current political climate no longer aligns with her values. While it is unclear if she was specifically referring to the Kennedy campaign, reports indicated that she had switched to an informal role within the team, following a social media post.

Despite media outlets reporting that Stanton King had left the campaign, she clarified in a subsequent post that she had not been let go from the team for any reason. While she had been actively involved in Black voter outreach on behalf of Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker in Georgia, Stanton King had clashed with Kennedy over his abortion platform. She was previously pardoned by former President Trump in 2020 for crimes related to vehicle theft and later lost an Atlanta-area House race as a Republican candidate.

Stanton King had served as Kennedy’s advisor for Black outreach since joining the campaign the previous year, appearing alongside Kennedy and his vice-presidential running mate at various campaign events. Despite her departure from the formal advisory role, she stated her intention to continue advising Kennedy on key community issues. The sudden resignation prompted speculation about the reasons behind her decision, with experts questioning Kennedy’s recent medical claims that included brain worms and mercury poisoning.

Following her announcement to step down, Stanton King emphasized her commitment to pursuing peace and dedicating herself to her nonprofit work. While she did not provide further details about the specific issues that led to her decision, the increasingly contentious political climate was cited as a factor. The campaign spokesperson did not respond to requests for comment, leaving the circumstances of Stanton King’s departure from the Kennedy team somewhat unclear.

As the 2024 election season continues, the departure of key advisors like Stanton King raises questions about potential internal divisions within the Kennedy campaign. Despite her initial support for Trump and background as a Republican candidate, Stanton King’s decision to leave the campaign highlights the challenges of navigating the current political landscape. While she remains committed to making a tangible difference in her nonprofit work, her departure underscores the complex dynamics at play in the evolving political environment leading up to the next presidential election.

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