Vincent Dransfield, a former New Jersey volunteer fire chief and great-grandfather of seven, celebrated his 110th birthday last month at his former engine house, Singac Volunteer Fire Company #3. He is now the eighth oldest reported man alive, with women making up the majority of supercentenarians worldwide. Despite his advanced age, Dransfield has lived a healthy life with minimal health issues, just some knee pain. He lives independently, cooks for himself, walks around his three-story house, and drives daily without any problems. He has never had major illnesses such as cancer or dementia and credits his long and healthy life to luck, milk, and doing what he loves.

Born in 1914, Dransfield smoked cigarettes for 20 years and worked his whole life until his late 70s. He has never been health-obsessed and eats whatever he wants, including hamburgers, milk chocolate, and Italian food. He enjoys an occasional beer, drinks coffee daily, and finds humor in people who jog. Dransfield believes he has been extremely lucky in his life and attributes his good health to the start he had working on a dairy farm and drinking milk regularly. Despite his age, he continues to keep active and healthy by consuming Ovaltine, spending time doing what he loves, and maintaining a positive mindset.

One of the defining factors in Dransfield’s long and healthy life has been his dedication to his long career as a volunteer firefighter. He spent 80 years with his local firehouse and even served as the fire chief. The relationships he built with his fellow firefighters became his family after his wife passed away in 1992. Volunteering at the firehouse not only brought him joy and fulfillment but also helped him stay active and get his exercise by responding to calls. Dransfield firmly believes that the fire department and the friendships he developed there have been instrumental in keeping him going and maintaining his physical and mental well-being.

Despite their average struggles, Dransfield’s positive attitude has been a key factor in his longevity. He believes that knowing and loving people has helped him live longer. Even after multiple tragedies and challenges in his life, including the loss of his wife, Dransfield has maintained his optimism and continues to radiate love to those around him. He cherishes the friendships and connections he has made throughout his life and believes that spreading love and kindness is crucial for a long and fulfilling life. Dransfield’s commitment to doing what he loves, the support of his firefighting family, and his positive outlook on life have all contributed to his incredible longevity and good health at the age of 110. His story serves as an inspiration to many, showing that a combination of luck, love, and dedication to what brings joy can lead to a fulfilling and long life.

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