A popular song by the Russian pro-war pop star Shaman, titled “Moy Boy” or “My Fight,” has been co-opted by TikTok users to showcase same-sex couples embracing, in an attempt to ironically juxtapose “extremist” LGBTQ+ lifestyles with the song’s militaristic themes. The song features lyrics such as “I’m Russian, I go to the end,” accompanied by a music video showing camouflaged Russian soldiers in occupied eastern Ukraine. However, some listeners have reinterpreted the song, using it as background music for TikToks showcasing their queer relationships.

Since mid-March, a significant number of TikTok videos have surfaced featuring same-sex couples lip-syncing the chorus of “Moy Boy,” dancing, and embracing each other. Some users expressed gratitude towards Shaman for the song, while others made light-hearted comments about hoping to see it performed at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2030. This creative reimagining of the song comes at a time when Russia is experiencing a severe crackdown on LGBTQ+ people and lifestyles, with recent incidents of individuals being charged for LGBTQ+ “extremism.”

The tightening restrictions on LGBTQ+ rights in Russia have been further exacerbated by the country’s Supreme Court designating the “international LGBT movement” as an “extremist” organization in November 2023. Additionally, the state financial watchdog, Rosfinmonitoring, included the so-called “movement” on its list of “terrorists and extremists” in March. These developments have sparked concerns about the shrinking space for LGBTQ+ individuals to express themselves freely in Russia, leading to creative forms of resistance and protest, as seen in the TikTok videos using Shaman’s song.

One controversial aspect surrounding Shaman’s song “Moy Boy” is its German translation, “Mein Kampf,” which has raised allegations of evoking “Nazi aesthetics” in his artistry. This association with Adolf Hitler’s infamous autobiographical manifesto has added another layer of complexity to the interpretation of the song and its impact on audiences. The use of provocative imagery and language has sparked discussions about the boundaries of artistic expression, especially when dealing with sensitive topics such as war, sexuality, and politics.

Despite the contentious nature of Shaman’s music and the ongoing challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals in Russia, the TikTok trend of same-sex couples using “Moy Boy” as a backdrop for expressing their love and identity demonstrates a form of resistance and defiance against oppressive norms. By repurposing a song with militaristic themes into a celebration of queer relationships, these videos serve as a powerful statement about the resilience and creativity of marginalized communities in the face of adversity. The global reach of platforms like TikTok allows for alternative narratives to be shared and amplified, offering a glimmer of hope for a more inclusive and accepting future.

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