A tragic car accident occurred at the intersection of the Altınova town in Muş-Bitlis highway, at the 40th kilometer. The collision involved a car driven by Ali Rıza Akpolat and another car driven by Şemdin Tulgar. Following the report of the accident, the police, fire department, and emergency medical teams were dispatched to the scene.

The crash resulted in injuries to Ali Rıza, Feride Ebrar, Yağmur, and Mehmet Hüseyin Akpolat, as well as Şemdin, Samet, and Selcan Tulgar, along with an unnamed baby. The injured individuals were transported to hospitals in Muş, Bitlis, and Güroymak for medical treatment.

Tragically, Şemdin, Samet, and Selcan Tulgar did not survive their injuries, while the other wounded individuals are currently receiving medical care. Jandarma teams in the area took security measures and ensured the controlled passage of vehicles through the accident site.

The damaged vehicles were removed from the road with the assistance of towing services. The investigation into the cause of the accident is ongoing, as authorities work to determine the circumstances that led to the collision.

The local community is mourning the loss of those who passed away in the accident, and efforts to support the injured victims and their families are underway. The authorities urge drivers to prioritize safety on the roads and adhere to traffic regulations to prevent such tragic incidents in the future.

This devastating event serves as a reminder of the importance of caution and responsibility while driving, as well as the need for emergency response teams to act swiftly and effectively in times of crisis. The impact of the accident is deeply felt by the community, and support is being offered to those affected by this tragic event.

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