Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas recently spoke at a judicial conference in Alabama, where he expressed frustration over the “nastiness” and “lies” he and his wife have faced in recent years. Thomas criticized Washington, D.C. as a “hideous place” and discussed the challenges of working in a seemingly meanspirited environment. He acknowledged the difficulty of dealing with critics who engage in harmful behaviors but emphasized the importance of not allowing them to change who you are.

Thomas has been criticized for accepting luxury trips from a GOP donor without reporting them, as well as for his wife, Ginni Thomas, using her Facebook page to promote unsubstantiated claims about President Joe Biden. While he did not directly address these criticisms, Thomas highlighted the ways in which reckless individuals in Washington can damage one’s reputation. Despite the challenges he faces, Thomas emphasized the importance of not allowing others to define who he is.

During his appearance at the conference, Thomas discussed a variety of topics, including the influence of his grandfather, his relationship with former colleagues, and his belief that court writings should be more accessible to the public. He expressed his disdain for Washington, calling it a “hideous place” and stating that he and his wife prefer RVing to be around regular people who do not engage in harmful behaviors or pride themselves on being divisive.

Senate Democrats raised concerns about a loan obtained by Thomas to purchase a high-end motorcoach, with reports suggesting that most of the loan may have been forgiven. Despite this controversy, Thomas did not address the court’s high-profile caseload during his appearance. He stressed the importance of using language in court rulings that is understandable to the average person, as he believes regular people are sometimes disenfranchised by complex legal language.

In addition to Thomas, Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh also spoke at a conference on Friday, discussing the evolution of court decisions over time. Kavanaugh emphasized that unpopular court decisions can later become accepted as part of American constitutional law. The conference was attended by judges, attorneys, and other court personnel in the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which covers Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi and is known for its conservative leanings. The speeches by Thomas and Kavanaugh shed light on the challenges and complexities of serving on the Supreme Court in today’s political climate.

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