At a European Union event celebrating Europe Day in Italy, EU Commissioner for Economy Paolo Gentiloni emphasized that there is still a long way to go in implementing the reforms and investments outlined in the recovery plans. Gentiloni stressed that the full implementation of these plans is crucial in order for the experience of the Next Generation EU recovery funds to be utilized in the future, for initiatives such as green hydrogen. He pointed out that the funds have already made a positive impact on many European countries, particularly those previously labeled as ‘PIGS’ (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, Spain), who now have higher growth rates than more frugal nations.

Gentiloni’s remarks underscore the importance of not only completing the last mile but also continuing to make significant progress in terms of reforms and investments. He emphasized that the successful implementation of the recovery plans will ensure that the experience gained from the Next Generation EU funds can be built upon and utilized for future projects, such as the development of green hydrogen. The Commissioner highlighted the transformative impact that the funds have had on European countries, particularly those previously referred to as ‘PIGS,’ which now have higher growth rates compared to more conservative nations.

The Commissioner also noted that the Pnrr funds have played a crucial role in changing the economic situation of many European countries, particularly those that were once characterized by derogatory terms such as ‘PIGS.’ He highlighted the positive impact that the funds have had on countries like Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, and Spain, which have achieved higher levels of growth as a result of the investments and reforms made possible by the recovery plans. Gentiloni’s remarks serve as a reminder of the significant progress that has already been made thanks to the funds, and the importance of continuing to work towards achieving the goals outlined in the recovery plans.

Gentiloni’s comments at the Europe Day celebration in Italy also highlighted the need for ongoing efforts to implement the reforms and investments outlined in the recovery plans. He emphasized that the completion of these plans is essential for ensuring that the experience gained from the Next Generation EU funds is not a one-off occurrence, but can be leveraged for future initiatives, such as the development of green hydrogen. The Commissioner pointed to the positive impact that the funds have had on countries across Europe, particularly those once labeled as ‘PIGS,’ who now enjoy higher growth rates compared to more conservative nations.

In conclusion, Gentiloni’s remarks at the Europe Day event in Italy emphasized the importance of continuing to make progress in implementing the reforms and investments outlined in the recovery plans. He underscored the significance of building upon the experience gained from the Next Generation EU funds to ensure that the transformative impact of the funds can be harnessed for future projects, such as the development of green hydrogen. The Commissioner highlighted the positive impact that the funds have had on European countries, particularly those previously referred to as ‘PIGS,’ who have seen higher levels of growth as a result of the investments and reforms made possible by the recovery plans.

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