The recent split between the Five Star Movement and the Democratic Party in Bari has left the left-wing coalition trying to figure out a solution to the “Bari case.” Meanwhile, the center-right has already designated their candidate, Fabio Romito, a 36-year-old lawyer and research doctor. Romito began his political career in 2009 when he was elected as a councilor in Bari, a position he held again in 2014 and 2019. In 2014, he served as a provincial assessor in Bari, with responsibilities for European policies and public education in the government led by Francesco Schittulli. After starting in Forza Italia, he switched to the League in 2018. The regional and city coordinators of Fratelli d’Italia, Forza Italia, Lega, Noi Moderati, and Udc have expressed pride and support for Romito as the center-right candidate for mayor.

Despite Romito’s affiliation with the League, the coalition is presenting him as a unifying figure capable of representing the entire center-right coalition, not just one party. The center-right sees his candidacy as an opportunity to return to power after 20 years of opposition. They believe that the current power structure has become stale and in need of new ideas and innovation. Romito’s combination of youth and extensive administrative experience is seen as a clear response to the city’s call for renewal. The center-right believes that his candidacy will bring the enthusiasm and freshness that the left has lost in recent years.

The decision to choose Romito as the candidate was made through a process of collaboration between local and regional party leaders, in coordination with national party headquarters. The goal was to emphasize Romito’s political and administrative expertise in the region. The selection of Romito is part of a broader strategy to inject new energy and vision into Bari’s politics, which has been lacking in recent years. The center-right is confident that his candidacy will resonate with voters looking for a change in leadership.

The center-right coalition’s decision to rally behind Romito reflects their belief that he is the right choice to lead the city of Bari towards a fresh start. They are positioning him as a candidate who can break the stagnation of the current political landscape and bring a new perspective to governance. Romito’s candidacy is a clear signal that the center-right is committed to regaining power in Bari and ushering in a new era of leadership that is responsive to the needs of the city’s residents. The center-right sees him as a candidate who can bridge divides and unite the various factions within the coalition.

In conclusion, Fabio Romito’s candidacy for mayor of Bari represents a new chapter in the city’s political landscape. The center-right coalition sees him as a unifying figure capable of bringing fresh ideas and enthusiasm to governance after years of stagnation. Romito’s combination of youth and experience is seen as a clear response to the city’s demand for renewal and innovation. The center-right’s decision to back Romito reflects their confidence in his ability to lead Bari towards a brighter future. As the election approaches, all eyes will be on Romito as he seeks to win the trust and support of the city’s residents and bring about positive change for Bari.

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