Angelina Jolie never said the quote, “Arabs and Muslims are not terrorists. The world should unite against Israel.” The claim was rated as misattributed by Snopes. The protracted Israeli-Palestinian conflict escalated into a violent war in 2023, with thousands of casualties. The internet has become a battleground for misinformation regarding this conflict. This fake quote appeared in a meme in April 2024, but there is no credible evidence that Jolie ever made such a statement. The fake quote has circulated online for many years, with similar versions appearing as far back as 2006.

In 2009, a blog post on referenced a fake quote attributed to Jolie, along with other fabricated quotes from Hollywood stars. The oldest known posting of the fake Jolie quote dates back to 2006 on, claiming it was part of a poll involving 15 prominent Hollywood stars. Snopes found no evidence to support any of these quotes. Jolie’s genuine comments about the Israel-Hamas conflict differ from the fabricated quote attributed to her. In Instagram posts from 2023, she condemned Hamas’ attacks as acts of terror and called for an immediate ceasefire to protect innocent lives affected by the violence.

Despite the widespread circulation of the fake quote, Angelina Jolie has never made the statement claiming that Arabs and Muslims are not terrorists and that the world should unite against Israel. The quote is part of a larger trend of misinformation surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Jolie’s genuine remarks on the conflict reflect a more nuanced understanding of the situation and a call for peace and humanitarian intervention. The internet continues to be a platform for spreading falsehoods, highlighting the importance of fact-checking and verification in the digital age.

The fake Jolie quote has persisted online for years, appearing in various memes and social media posts. Similar fabricated quotes attributed to other Hollywood stars have also been debunked by fact-checking organizations. The misattribution of quotes to celebrities is a common tactic used to spread misinformation and manipulate public opinion. It is essential to critically evaluate information shared on social media and other online platforms to combat the spread of false narratives and promote accurate reporting.

In response to the fake quote circulating online, users have added clarifications and corrections to posts sharing the misinformation. Snopes contacted Jolie to address the fake quote, but no response was received at the time of publication. The debunking of this quote serves as a reminder of the importance of verifying information before sharing it online. By engaging in fact-checking efforts and promoting accurate reporting, individuals can help combat the spread of misinformation and promote a better understanding of complex global issues such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In conclusion, the claim that Angelina Jolie said, “Arabs and Muslims are not terrorists. The world should unite against Israel,” is false and misattributed. The quote has been circulating online for years without any credible evidence to support its authenticity. Jolie’s genuine comments on the Israel-Hamas conflict demonstrate a more nuanced understanding of the situation and a call for peace and humanitarian intervention. It is crucial to fact-check information before sharing it online and be vigilant against the spread of misinformation, especially regarding sensitive geopolitical issues like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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