The rise in solar waste has been highlighted in recent articles, with predictions that the amount of waste generated by solar photovoltaic panels will escalate significantly by 2030. This surge is concerning due to the ambitious goal of tripling renewable energy by 2030, as agreed upon at COP 28. While some argue that solar waste is significantly less alarming than other forms of fossil waste, the issue of how to manage this waste effectively remains a valid concern.

The need for better management of solar panel waste is crucial, as waste management typically falls under national jurisdiction. Developing a scalable business case for recycling the waste is essential to address the real concerns surrounding solar waste disposal. With an oversupply of solar panels currently on the market, newer panels are more efficient, generating more electricity. However, the cost of recycling a panel is significantly higher than sending it to a landfill, making recycling economically unviable for businesses at present.

Challenges in the current recycling process for solar panels include low-quality outputs, low recovery rates, and difficulties in removing and treating materials. Improving the economic feasibility of recycling solar panels depends on finding high-value uses for recycled outputs and reducing costs associated with transportation and processing. Progress is being made in advancing recycling technologies, with collaborations on industrial-scale recycling facilities in some countries. However, recycling facilities in rapidly developing countries such as India remain underutilized, highlighting the need for greater private sector involvement in addressing the issue.

Efforts to enable a circular economy in India’s solar industry are underway, with the government showcasing a vision for a circular economy. Private sector involvement is crucial in scaling up recycling efforts, but until profits are realized, incentives for recycling may be lacking. Despite the challenges, concerted private sector and government efforts to scale up recycling and use of processed materials could help solve the growing problem of solar waste. While the issue of solar waste may be inevitable as part of efforts to limit global warming, finding sustainable solutions for managing this waste is essential for the future of renewable energy.

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