A new market has opened in the Haraparası neighborhood of the central Antakya district in collaboration with AFAD and the Governorate of Hatay. The market, which opened on October 29, 2023, during the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Republic, has been contributing to the local economy for the past 7 months. The market consists of 404 businesses, each occupying 24 square meters, and was allocated through a lottery. These businesses offer a variety of services such as clothing, grocery, deli, cosmetics, hairdressing, and restaurants, catering to the needs of the residents.

Many of the businesses in the market have been set up by entrepreneurs who were affected by the earthquake in Kahramanmaraş and had to relocate. The market has provided them with a space to continue their commercial activities. This has made the market a popular choice among the local residents who frequent the area to support these businesses. The establishment of this market has not only provided a new source of income for the entrepreneurs but has also helped in revitalizing the local economy.

One of the entrepreneurs who benefitted from the market is 34-year-old perfume seller Adem Karadeniz. He lost his home and business in the earthquake that hit Ekinci and Zenginler neighborhoods on February 6. After staying in different cities for a while, he moved back to his hometown when he was offered a business space in the prefab market. Karadeniz expressed his gratitude to the government for providing him with this opportunity and highlighted the importance of the market in helping him restart his business. He urged people from outside the city to come and support the local businesses.

Having been in the business for 10 years, Karadeniz emphasized the importance of returning to Hatay and serving the local community. He shared his happiness at being able to reunite with familiar faces and customers, which has helped him overcome the challenges of rebuilding his business. By providing a platform for entrepreneurs like Karadeniz to restart their businesses, the market has played a crucial role in helping individuals recover from the economic impacts of the earthquake and rebuild their lives.

Another entrepreneur, 30-year-old boutique owner Duygu Okçu, also shared her experience of losing her textile business in the earthquake and finding a new opportunity in the prefab market. She expressed her determination to persevere and rebuild her life in Hatay. Similarly, 45-year-old Bereket Kanatlı, whose three-story fashion house on Uğur Mumcu Boulevard was destroyed, emphasized the importance of staying and rebuilding in Hatay. He stressed that the resilience and determination of the local entrepreneurs are vital in reviving the city and urged everyone to return to Hatay to support the local businesses and contribute to the city’s recovery. By showcasing the success stories of entrepreneurs in the market, it becomes evident that the government’s support and initiatives like the prefab market have played a significant role in facilitating the reestablishment of businesses and revitalizing the local economy in Hatay.

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