Sevillians have decided to revert to the traditional model of the April Fair, extending it from the Monday following Pescaíto to the following Sunday. This decision was made by 106,791 people who participated in a referendum organized by the Seville City Council. However, the intentions of the residents may not be supported by the PSOE and IU-Podemos, as they have raised concerns about irregularities in the voting system. The council has defended the legality of the referendum, stating that it used the same voting system as in 2016, but with improved safeguards. Despite this, there are doubts about the validity of the results.

The option that won with 52% of the votes was favored by the mayor, the association of caseta owners, and traditional restaurant owners who see a decrease in income during the extended fair period. This change will require approval in a municipal council meeting, where the PP does not have a majority. However, support from Vox will help the mayor, José Luis Sanz, validate the referendum results. The referendum has faced scrutiny due to allegations of identity theft and technical issues that affected voter turnout.

The secretary general of Facua raised concerns about multiple cases of identity theft and criticized the lack of safeguards in the voting system. He also pointed out that the referendum violates the Andalusian Citizen Participation Law of 2017. The irregularities have led to IU-Podemos withdrawing their support for the referendum results, calling for the process to be suspended until the issues are addressed. The PSOE has not confirmed whether they will support the decision of the Sevillians.

Despite the controversies surrounding the referendum, the mayor emphasized the high voter turnout, nearly 20% of the eligible population. Critics have questioned why other important issues, such as environmental concerns and urban planning, were not included in the referendum. Some have also raised concerns about lack of transparency and neutrality in the referendum process.

Amidst the debate and suspicion surrounding the voting system, Sevillians have voted for the traditional model of the April Fair for 2025. Despite the challenges and criticisms, the decision reflects the desire of the residents to maintain their cultural traditions and preserve the essence of the fair. It remains to be seen how the City Council will address the issues raised and ensure a fair and transparent process for future consultations.

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