A group of psychiatrists practicing psychiatry in public services in Paris and its suburbs have expressed their concern about the lack of support for psychiatric nurses in the public sector. They have observed the detrimental impact on the psychiatric hospital, which is not a priority for the administration despite its crucial role in providing stability to the overall healthcare system. The shortage of staff severely affects patient care and treatment continuity, posing a major risk to the mental health of the population if these needs are not addressed.

The psychiatrists emphasize the importance of significantly increasing the salaries of professionals working in inpatient care, especially nurses, in order to address these challenges. Building strong relationships with patients is crucial in providing care for those affected by mental health disorders, whether in hospitals or through outpatient services. However, the current lack of staffing and resources has led to a growing number of vacant nursing positions and the closure of beds in many hospital units. This situation not only impacts the quality of care but also contributes to the departure of healthcare workers from the field.

There are no signs indicating a spontaneous improvement in the situation. The unattractiveness of nursing positions in hospitals is evident due to the harsh working conditions, including instances of violence. Furthermore, the lack of availability hinders the therapeutic relationship and escalates tensions with individuals experiencing psychiatric crises. Ultimately, the ability to provide effective treatment is being compromised, highlighting the urgent need for investment in psychiatric hospitals to support the development of high-quality outpatient services, which are essential components of treatment plans.

Investing in psychiatric hospitals is crucial to ensure that outpatient care remains a cornerstone of healthcare projects. Healthcare professionals engaging with patients in community-based teams providing home care must have access to additional resources and support when needed. It is essential that there are sufficient human and material resources available to accommodate patients who require more intensive care or have not responded to initial interventions. By prioritizing support for psychiatric nurses and investing in the psychiatric hospital system, the healthcare system can better meet the needs of individuals struggling with mental health disorders and improve overall patient outcomes.

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