In Italy, there is a proposed constitutional change by Ms. Meloni that would give the party with the highest number of votes, currently her Brothers of Italy party, 55 percent of the seats in Parliament. This move is aimed at increasing the stability of Italian governments, but critics fear that it could potentially pave the way for a future autocrat to seize power. The right’s rise in Europe, with leaders like Viktor Orban in Hungary, has raised concerns about the erosion of democracy and human rights in the region.

In France, there is a strong attachment to freedom and human rights, as shown in the 1789 Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen. Any attempt to follow the Orban playbook by the National Rally party would face significant pushback, particularly if they were to control the presidency and Parliament. The normalization of right-wing extremism does not necessarily make it less extreme, and there are concerns about the potential for authoritarian tendencies to emerge if constraints are loosened.

While the right-wing movement has seen some successes in Europe, including the rise of nationalist parties in countries like Hungary and Italy, there have also been instances of pushback. In Poland, a protest movement led to the removal of the Law and Justice party, which had been implementing policies that undermined the rule of law and promoted xenophobia. The election in Poland was seen as a victory for those advocating for a more positive and inclusive vision of the country’s future.

It is important not to underestimate the resourcefulness and resilience of democracies in Europe, as shown by the ability of countries like Poland to push back against authoritarian tendencies. However, there is also a need to remain vigilant and address the challenges posed by the rise of populist movements across the continent. The words of Victor Hugo, “Nothing is more imminent than the impossible,” serve as a reminder that the future of democracy in Europe is uncertain and requires ongoing vigilance.

As the political landscape in Europe continues to evolve, it is important to recognize the potential risks posed by the rise of right-wing populism and the erosion of democratic norms. The actions of leaders like Ms. Meloni in Italy and the National Rally party in France have raised concerns about the future of democracy in the region. It is crucial for defenders of democracy to remain vigilant and work together to protect the rights and freedoms that are foundational to a democratic society.

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