Emmanuel Macron delivered a speech on Europe at the Sorbonne University in Paris on April 25, 2024. Following this speech, a survey conducted by Ipsos in partnership with several organizations shed light on the French perception of the concept of sovereignty. The word sovereignty was a taboo for many years and was associated with extreme right-wing groups and nationalist sentiments. As a result, mainstream politicians avoided using this term in their speeches for decades, with only a few mentions of sovereignty in political addresses between 1974 and 2022.

However, the narrative around sovereignty in France has shifted in recent years. With Macron’s speeches at the Sorbonne in 2017 and 2024, the concept of sovereignty has become more acceptable, especially in the context of European sovereignty. Macron emphasized the importance of European sovereignty in his speeches and highlighted how this once taboo concept has now become a central theme in political discourse. The term sovereignty has been reintegrated into national discussions and is now commonly used by politicians to address a range of issues such as defense, digitalization, industry, ecology, health, and immigration.

Despite the increased use of the term sovereignty in public discourse, the French population’s understanding of the concept remains diverse and varied. When asked to associate terms with sovereignty, respondents mentioned words such as nationalism, independence, power, protectionism, and freedom. This shows that sovereignty is a complex and multi-faceted concept for the French people, with different interpretations and associations depending on individual perspectives.

The challenge lies in bridging the gap between the concept of sovereignty as discussed in political speeches and the public’s perception of what sovereignty means. While politicians increasingly use sovereignty as a buzzword in various policy areas, citizens may have different understandings and expectations regarding this concept. It is crucial for leaders to communicate effectively about sovereignty and clarify how it relates to national and European interests to ensure greater alignment between political discourse and public perception.

Overall, the transformation of sovereignty from a taboo term to a key concept in political discourse reflects the evolving nature of political communication in France. Macron’s emphasis on European sovereignty has played a significant role in reshaping the narrative around this concept and highlighting its importance in addressing contemporary challenges. By continuing to engage with the public on the topic of sovereignty and clarifying its implications for national and European governance, leaders can bridge the gap between political rhetoric and public understanding, fostering a more informed and cohesive national dialogue.

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