Sílvia Orriols, the mayor of Ripoll and leader of the Catalan Alliance party, espouses a far-right ideology that aims to “save Catalonia” from supposed invasions by both Spaniards and Muslims. Her ultranationalist discourse harkens back to the romantic nationalism of the 19th century, which has been ingrained in Catalan school curriculums. What sets Orriols apart from previous Catalan politicians is her unabashed expression of racist views. The seeds of her ideology may have been planted long ago, but it was the aftermath of the 2017 terrorist attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils that gave it a platform to flourish. The political response to these attacks, which included attempts to distance the Muslim community from the perpetrators, and the spreading of conspiracies about the involvement of Spanish intelligence services, helped legitimize anti-Muslim sentiments among some Catalan citizens.

The emergence of Aliança Catalana can be traced back to a perceived lack of willingness among Catalan politicians and media to address the issue of radical Islamism after the 2017 attacks. Critics argue that attempts to avoid stigmatizing Muslims instead led to the suppression of debate on the topic and the labeling of anyone who raised concerns as Islamophobic. Orriols’ racist rhetoric found fertile ground in this atmosphere of denial and silence surrounding the radicalization of some segments of the Muslim community in Catalonia, as well as in the dissemination of conspiracy theories regarding the attacks. The refusal to acknowledge the role of Islamist fundamentalism in the atrocities allowed xenophobic sentiments to take root and fuel the rise of the far-right party.

The rise of Aliança Catalana represents a shift from the traditional Catalan nationalism, which initially aimed to protect a minority language and culture, towards a more supremacist ideology. The transformation of Catalan identity has been gradual, with Orriols’ party exemplifying a more extreme form of this evolution. The refusal to confront the issue of radical Islamism and the framing of anti-Muslim sentiment as taboo or islamophobic has served to push some Catalans towards more extreme views, such as those propagated by the Catalan Alliance. The current political landscape in Catalonia reflects a growing polarization and radicalization, with Orriols representing one extreme end of the spectrum.

The events surrounding the 2017 terrorist attacks in Catalonia served as a catalyst for the emergence of Aliança Catalana and the promotion of Orriols’ far-right platform. The handling of the aftermath, particularly the political response and media coverage, contributed to a climate in which anti-Muslim sentiment found a voice and a platform for expression. The failure to address the issue of radical Islamism and the reluctance to engage in meaningful dialogue on the subject created a vacuum that was filled by figures like Sílvia Orriols, who capitalized on and amplified existing fears and prejudices within Catalan society. The rise of the Catalan Alliance reflects a broader trend of far-right populism in Europe, with Orriols’ party tapping into nationalist, xenophobic, and racist sentiments in Catalonia.

In conclusion, the emergence of the Catalan Alliance party and its leader Sílvia Orriols is a reflection of a changing political landscape in Catalonia, fueled by a perceived failure of mainstream politicians and media to address issues of radical Islamism and the integration of Muslim communities. The rise of far-right ideologies, such as those espoused by Orriols, highlights the increasing polarization and radicalization within Catalan society, with the aftermath of the 2017 terrorist attacks serving as a turning point in catalyzing anti-Muslim sentiments. The evolution of Catalan nationalism towards a more supremacist ideology and the legitimization of racist rhetoric within mainstream discourse underscore the challenges facing Catalonia in combating extremism and fostering a more inclusive and tolerant society.

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