The Syrian national Z.H. was injured in the leg as a result of a dog attack while walking in the cemetery in Şirintepe Mahallesi. Upon receiving a notification from local residents, Z.H. was taken to Seyrantepe Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research Hospital by health teams. After receiving treatment at the hospital, he was discharged.

The incident occurred when Z.H. was walking around the cemetery in Şirintepe Mahallesi and was attacked by dogs, causing injuries to his leg. Local residents in the area notified health authorities, who promptly took him to Seyrantepe Hamidiye Etfal Training and Research Hospital for treatment. After being treated at the hospital, Z.H. was released and is currently recovering from his injuries.

The incident has raised concerns among local residents in Şirintepe Mahallesi about the safety and security of the area, particularly with regards to stray dogs. Authorities have been urged to take action to address the issue of stray dogs in the neighborhood to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future. Residents are calling for measures to be put in place to ensure the safety of individuals in the community.

In response to the incident, local authorities are reviewing their policies on stray dogs and are considering implementing new measures to address the issue. Efforts are being made to increase patrols in the area to control the population of stray dogs and to prevent further incidents from occurring. Residents are hopeful that these measures will help improve the safety and security of the neighborhood.

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of addressing the issue of stray dogs in Şirintepe Mahallesi and ensuring the safety of residents in the community. Authorities are being called upon to take action to prevent similar incidents from happening in the future and to protect individuals from potential harm. Residents are hopeful that the authorities will implement effective measures to address the issue and improve the safety of the neighborhood.

Overall, the incident involving Z.H. being attacked by dogs in the cemetery in Şirintepe Mahallesi has raised concerns among local residents about the safety of the area. Authorities are being urged to take action to address the issue of stray dogs and to prevent similar incidents from occurring. Efforts are being made to increase patrols in the area and to implement new measures to control the population of stray dogs and improve the safety and security of the neighborhood.

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