Climate change is not just an environmental issue, but also a matter of social justice, according to MEPs Iratxe García Pérez and Mohammed Chahim. They emphasize the need for a transition to a sustainable future that brings hope and equity to all, especially the most vulnerable European citizens and regions. Europe is facing the brunt of climate change impacts, with extreme weather events causing economic losses and claiming lives. The super-rich bear a significant responsibility for climate change, while marginalized communities suffer the most from its effects, highlighting the need for greater equity in addressing the crisis.

The MEPs argue that alongside ambitious climate mitigation efforts, adaptation policies are necessary to shield Europeans from the costly fallout of climate change. They call for the development of a comprehensive EU adaptation law that sets clear targets and addresses social, economic, and environmental injustices. Planting trees in cities, investing in soil and water protection, and prioritizing economically disadvantaged regions are essential strategies to combat global warming and its impacts. The EU adaptation law should also focus on investing in natural solutions and ensuring sufficient funding for adaptation measures, including the establishment of an Insurance Climate Fund to protect vulnerable people and businesses.

Social justice must be at the core of future climate adaptation efforts, targeting those most affected by climate change, including outdoor workers and those transitioning away from fossil fuels. Protective labor market policies and reskilling initiatives are crucial to ensure that no one is left behind in the transition to a sustainable future. The EU must also ensure that large corporations, big polluters, and the ultra-rich pay their fair share in financing climate mitigation and adaptation efforts. A permanent investment tool at the EU level is advocated to safeguard social and climate priorities and support just adaptation policies.

The MEPs stress that any claim to serve the people must address the existential crisis of climate change and be rooted in social justice. They call for a Green Deal with a Red Heart, emphasizing the importance of a transition to a sustainable future that leaves no one behind. Addressing climate change requires a holistic approach that considers the social, economic, and environmental impacts of the crisis and ensures that all Europeans have access to a hopeful and equitable future. The development of a comprehensive EU adaptation law and sufficient funding for adaptation measures are crucial steps in mitigating the impacts of climate change and building a more resilient society for all.

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