South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster underwent a minor, elective knee surgery on Thursday morning to correct a cartilage injury sustained while playing tennis in 2022. The procedure, which lasted about 30 minutes, was performed under general anesthesia, temporarily putting Lt. Gov. Pamela Evette in charge of executive action as per the state constitution. McMaster’s orthopedist, Dr. Jeffrey Guy, stated that the governor is expected to return to his regular schedule by Thursday afternoon with no post-procedure limitations.

This is not McMaster’s first medical procedure while in office. He was previously treated for atrial fibrillation, a type of irregular heartbeat, in December. His cardiologist, Dr. Amy Rawl Epps, confirmed that after extensive testing, McMaster’s heart appeared normal. In addition, in April 2022, McMaster underwent a 10-minute procedure to address another irregular heartbeat, which was discovered while he was initially seeking treatment for the meniscus tear that led to his recent knee surgery. McMaster, at 76 years old, is the third oldest governor in the country and is currently serving his second and final term after his reelection in 2022.

Lt. Gov. Pamela Evette was notified of McMaster’s surgery the day before it took place and assumed the duties of governor in his absence. The South Carolina Constitution allows the lieutenant governor to step in as the governor in case of emergencies or temporary disabilities. Despite the surgery, McMaster is expected to resume his duties promptly, with no anticipated limitations. The governor’s office has not provided specific details about his recovery process or if any interim arrangements will be made to accommodate his absence from office.

McMaster’s knee surgery follows a series of medical procedures he has undergone during his time in office, demonstrating the toll that public service can take on physical health. With his age and previous health issues taken into account, McMaster’s ability to bounce back quickly from the knee surgery showcases his resilience and determination to fulfill his duties as governor. As he prepares to return to his regular schedule, McMaster’s medical history has become a topic of interest among South Carolina residents, highlighting the importance of transparency and openness regarding the health of public officials.

The governor’s commitment to his responsibilities, despite his recent medical procedures, reflects his dedication to serving the people of South Carolina. McMaster’s proactive approach to addressing his health issues and promptly returning to work underscores his determination to lead by example and prioritize the well-being of the state. As he completes his final term in office, McMaster’s resilience in the face of health challenges serves as a testament to his leadership qualities and unwavering commitment to his role as governor. With Lt. Gov. Pamela Evette ready to step in when needed, McMaster’s surgery highlights the importance of having a designated successor to ensure the continuity of government operations.

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