The independent news outlet SOTA in Russia has been declared “undesirable” by authorities, effectively prohibiting any connections or collaborations with the organization. The General Prosecutors Office accused SOTA of attempting to destabilize the socio-political situation in Russia through its news coverage, which was described as creating tension and irritation in society. The ban prevents SOTA from operating in Russia and puts its staff at risk of jail time, criminalizing any engagement with the outlet, including sharing its content online.

According to the General Prosecutors Office, SOTA is alleged to have received support from the West to undermine the spiritual and moral foundations of Russian society. The outlet was also accused of taking instructions from Western non-governmental organizations, including SIA TV Rain and The Insider, which were both designated as “undesirable” after the invasion of Ukraine. Despite these allegations, SOTA denied having any ties to the mentioned news outlets or Western handlers, emphasizing its opposition to the war and the Putin regime.

In response to the undesirability designation, SOTA released a statement reaffirming its commitment to providing objective news coverage despite the ban. The outlet disputed the claims made by Russian authorities and stated that it upholds journalistic standards in its work. Roskomnadzor, Russia’s state internet watchdog, blocked SOTA’s website in March for spreading what was deemed as false information about the war in Ukraine and the Russian military. The ban on SOTA is part of the government’s broader crackdown on foreign NGOs and independent organizations through the “undesirable” organization law introduced in 2015.

The Russian government has utilized the “undesirable” designation to target various entities, including independent news outlets, human rights groups, environmental organizations, and educational institutions. By labeling these organizations as undesirable, authorities restrict their operations and criminalize any form of interaction with them, such as sharing content online. The crackdown on independent media outlets like SOTA highlights the government’s efforts to control information and narratives that are critical of the regime, further tightening its grip on freedom of speech and press in the country. Despite facing challenges and censorship, outlets like SOTA continue to push back against restrictions and maintain their commitment to unbiased reporting.

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