Psychotherapist Ingeborg Kraus is warning that the Self-Determination Act suggests false solutions to girls who are unhappy with their bodies, often leading to significant consequences. She also argues that the belief that men would not abuse the law is incredibly naive. The law allows individuals to change their gender on official documents without a medical diagnosis, raising concerns about potential misuse and risks associated with gender reassignment surgeries.

Kraus highlights the dangers of the Self-Determination Act, which may provide a quick fix for those struggling with their gender identity but fail to address the root causes of their unhappiness. She cautions against rushing into irreversible decisions that could have long-term negative impacts on individuals, especially young girls who may be vulnerable to external pressures.

The law’s emphasis on self-determination raises questions about whether individuals have the maturity and understanding to make life-altering decisions about their gender identity. Kraus argues that therapy and proper psychological support are essential in helping individuals make informed choices about their bodies, rather than resorting to quick fixes that may not address the underlying issues.

Kraus urges society to critically evaluate the implications of the Self-Determination Act and consider the potential risks and consequences associated with allowing individuals to alter their gender without proper medical guidance. She emphasizes the need for comprehensive support systems and safeguards to protect vulnerable individuals from making hasty decisions that they may later regret.

Overall, Kraus’s warning sheds light on the complexities and risks associated with the Self-Determination Act, particularly in relation to young girls who may be influenced by societal pressures and misinformation about gender identity. It is essential for policymakers and healthcare practitioners to weigh the benefits and drawbacks of the law carefully to ensure the well-being and safety of all individuals seeking to address their gender identity struggles.

In conclusion, the debate surrounding the Self-Determination Act underscores the need for a nuanced approach to gender identity issues, one that prioritizes holistic care and support for individuals struggling with their gender identity. Kraus’s insights serve as a valuable reminder of the potential dangers of rushing into irreversible decisions without proper psychological evaluation and support, urging society to approach the issue with caution and thoughtfulness.

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