As a part of the CNET Zero series, this article addresses the financial and environmental challenges facing individuals in their 20s. With high rent prices and increasing electricity costs, many young adults are struggling to make ends meet. However, one solution to both lower bills and reduce carbon footprint is by switching to renewable energy sources, such as solar power. Community solar programs offer an affordable option for Gen Zers who may not own homes or have the financial means to invest in rooftop solar panels. By subscribing to a community solar program, individuals can save up to 20% on their electricity bills each year.

Community solar is a sustainable and accessible way to source energy from the sun, especially for renters or those who cannot install rooftop panels. With programs available in 23 states and rapidly expanding, individuals can sign up to receive clean energy from nearby solar farms. By subscribing to these programs, participants can not only save money on their utility bills but also contribute to the shift towards renewable energy. For many Gen Zers, community solar offers a practical solution to both financial and environmental concerns in the face of rising costs and climate change.

While individual contributions to carbon emissions may seem insignificant compared to larger corporations, making the switch to solar power sends a clear message in support of sustainable energy. By participating in community solar programs, Gen Z can take a concrete step towards reducing their personal carbon footprint and supporting clean energy initiatives. With growing awareness of climate change among young adults, there is a strong interest in adopting renewable energy sources, with environmental concerns driving many to explore solar solutions.

Applying to a community solar program is a straightforward process that involves reaching out to local solar providers and utility companies. By providing your utility account number and signing a community solar contract, you can start benefiting from reduced electricity bills. It’s important to understand your billing structure and ensure that you are indeed receiving cost savings through the program. While some regions may not currently offer community solar options, individuals can advocate for legislative support and engage with local public utility commission meetings to promote solar projects.

Community solar advocacy plays a key role in expanding access to clean energy solutions and addressing barriers to participation. By getting involved in local initiatives and voicing support for solar projects, individuals can help drive the transition towards renewable energy sources. As more Gen Zers embrace community solar programs and push for policy changes, the collective impact on reducing carbon emissions and advancing sustainability efforts will be significant. By spreading awareness and encouraging others to join community solar initiatives, young adults can play a crucial role in shaping a more sustainable future.

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