Slovakia, a relatively young country with a history closely intertwined with its central European neighbors, was left reeling after an assassination attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico. The nation was born out of the dissolution of Czechoslovakia amid the fall of the Soviet Union in the late 20th century. Czechoslovakia, established after World War I, endured dismemberment by the Nazis and over four decades of Communist rule. During the fall of Communism in the late 1980s and early 1990s, the Velvet Revolution led to independence and the split of Czechoslovakia into the Czech Republic and Slovakia, known as the Velvet Divorce.

Following its independence, Slovakia faced economic and political upheaval before joining the European Union and NATO in 2004 and adopting the euro in 2009. Tensions remained with the Czech Republic, its richer and larger neighbor with twice Slovakia’s population of five million. Despite these challenges, Slovakia continued to establish its national identity as it navigated its place in Europe. The country has experienced deep polarization over the past decade, with Mr. Fico, a prominent politician since independence, being forced to resign in 2018 following protests over the murder of a journalist investigating government corruption.

Mr. Fico was re-elected last fall after taking a pro-Russian campaign stance that resonated with Slovakia’s historical Russian sympathies. The country’s complex political landscape reflects its history of independence movements and transitions, shaping its relationships with neighboring nations. While Slovakia has made strides in joining international organizations and adopting the euro, it still grapples with issues of corruption and political unrest. The assassination attempt on Mr. Fico has highlighted the challenges facing the nation as it continues to define itself in a changing Europe.

As Slovakia looks towards the future, it must address ongoing tensions with its neighbors and within its own political system. The country’s journey from the Velvet Revolution to joining the EU and NATO illustrates its efforts to establish a distinct national identity while navigating complex historical and political legacies. In the aftermath of the assassination attempt on Prime Minister Fico, Slovakia faces renewed questions about its political stability and future direction. Despite these challenges, Slovakia’s resilience and determination to carve out its place in Europe will shape its path forward.

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