A recent survey in Thuringia has shown a significant increase in right-wing extremist and xenophobic attitudes in the region. According to the results of the “Thuringia-Monitor” 2023, 19% of the population in Thuringia hold right-wing extremist views, which is the same level as before the pandemic. This marks a sharp increase from last year when only 12% expressed such views. The rise in right-wing extremism is attributed solely to an increase in ethnocentrism, with 41% of Thuringians now holding such views. Nationalistic and xenophobic statements saw higher levels of support in the latest survey, while anti-Semitic and pro-dictatorship views were less prevalent.

The University of Jena, commissioned by the State Chancellery, has been conducting the “Thuringia-Monitor” survey annually since 2000 to track the evolution of political attitudes towards democracy, right-wing extremism, and anti-Semitism. This year’s survey was conducted between September 11 and November 25, 2023, with a total of 1063 eligible participants from Thuringia. Additionally, the survey revealed that 60% of respondents hold populist views, with a majority agreeing that the ruling elites in society act against the interests of the common people and that politicians are united in protecting their privileges.

In addition to the rise in right-wing extremism, the survey also highlighted an increase in anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim sentiments in Thuringia. According to the “Thuringia-Monitor” 2023, 59% of participants believe that Germany is being dangerously overpopulated by foreigners, while half think that immigrants only come to exploit the social welfare system. These findings align with national trends and indicate a general dissatisfaction among Thuringian citizens with the current functioning of democratic practices. The survey also showed a significant decline in satisfaction with democracy, dropping by 23 percentage points from 68% to 45% between 2020 and 2023. Trust in the federal government is at a low of 17%, while trust in the state government stands at 30%. Despite these challenges, 88% of respondents continue to support democracy as a form of government.

The disturbing trends revealed in the “Thuringia-Monitor” survey have raised concerns about the prevalence of right-wing extremism and xenophobia in the region. The government and civil society groups are now faced with the challenge of addressing these issues and combating radical ideologies. Efforts to promote tolerance, diversity, and democratic values will be crucial in countering the rise of extremist attitudes and fostering a more inclusive and harmonious society in Thuringia. It is clear that concerted action is needed to address the underlying factors contributing to the growth of right-wing extremism and xenophobia in the region.

The findings of the “Thuringia-Monitor” highlight the importance of continued monitoring and research into the evolving political attitudes and societal trends in the region. By understanding the root causes of extremist ideologies and addressing them through education, outreach, and policy interventions, Thuringia can work towards building a more resilient and inclusive society. It is essential for stakeholders at all levels to collaborate and mobilize resources to counter the rise of right-wing extremism and promote a culture of tolerance, respect, and democratic values in the region.

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