Gérard Depardieu is facing legal trouble following a series of complaints filed in early 2024. After a day of questioning, Depardieu was given a summons to appear before the criminal court in October. He is accused of sexual assaults that allegedly occurred in September 2021 during the filming of the movie “Les Volets verts”. Another complaint dating back to 2014 on the set of the film “Le Magicien et les Siamois” may become time-barred. The 75-year-old actor, presumed innocent, denies the allegations against him.

His lawyers have not responded to requests for comment, but one of the attorney for two of the three plaintiffs believes that there is enough evidence for the prosecutor to pursue the case. She also adds that it is time for Depardieu to face judgment for the alleged sexual violence that has been reported for years. The concept of extending time limits for prosecution of old assaults, known as “sliding statute of limitations”, is deemed necessary in cases where the perpetrator has committed other acts that are not time-barred.

Allegations against Depardieu began surfacing in 2018 in the wake of the #metoo movement. The page “Paye ton tournage” started sharing anonymous stories of sexual violence in the film industry, triggering reports regarding Depardieu. In the same year, actress Charlotte Arnould filed a complaint against Depardieu for rape and sexual assault. This led to his first indictment in 2020. The recent surge in complaints against Depardieu was fueled by a series of events and the testimonies of various women.

In April 2023, Mediapart published accounts from thirteen women accusing Depardieu of sexual violence. In response, he denied all allegations in an open letter published in Le Figaro, stating that he has never abused a woman. However, in December 2023, the show “Complément d’enquête” aired archives where Depardieu was seen sexualizing a young girl. Despite these controversies, numerous figures in the cultural world expressed their support for him in a public statement published in Le Figaro.

The legal proceedings against Depardieu have been ongoing, with the trial set to take place in October. The actor’s denial of the allegations and the support he has received from some quarters contrast with the seriousness of the charges against him. The case has drawn attention due to its connection with the broader issue of sexual misconduct in the entertainment industry. The outcome of the trial will determine the fate of Depardieu and the impact it may have on the broader conversation surrounding accountability for such offenses.

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